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Farewell UFO

Private Message
Message 2 of 2

UFO was a fantastic service when I first got it two or three years ago. It was able to support 3 simultaneous video calls during lockdown and still have plenty enough bandwidth for me to download the odd 500MB iso when necessary. The ability to push large backups to the cloud quickly has been very useful.


However, recently performance has started to suffer (download speeds are OK, but I'm getting stutter on Zoom calls even though there is very little traffic on my connection) and it seems to have happened when I was moved to a new IP range (I think to the 2.x.x.x block).


That, together with the continued lack of IPv6 and static IPv4 option, and the lack of clarity as to what the UFO replacement will be (is the upload speed going to be 1000mbps or 100mbps - nobody at TalkTalk seems to know) means it's time for me to say goodbye and migrate to another Cityfibre provider.


Thank you to everyone who helped in with my questions at the beginning.

IT tech & all-round geek. Specialise in networking, IPv6, servers, Linux. Based in York.

Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 2

You'll have to let us know how you get on migrating to another City Fibre provider Poppadum.    I'm in a similar boat to you, though my speeds as still as good as ever.   My contract is up in August and as TalkTalk aren't offering a comparable service I'll need to find someone else as well.

Anonymous User