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Full Fibre/Eero router - advice please?

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 23 of 23

My current TalkTalk contract is 'Fibre 150' and it ends in a couple of months.


For the same price, I understand TalkTalk is now offering 'Full Fibre 150' and I'm at the moment considering this. I have a few queries, though:




 1. Is this true 'fibre to the premises' (FFTP) and not just marketing-speak?

2. Will it require someone to come to my home and make some 'adjustments' for 'full fibre' to work?




 1. Does this require access to a Smart Phone app and if so, why?

2.  I prefer to be online on my Desktop computer (Windows operating system) for lots of good reasons.

 Can the 'Eero' simply operate the same as my current TalkTalk router on my Desktop without any need for Smart Phone app?


I'd appreciate any help or suggestions, especially from anyone who's already switched from Fibre 150 to Full Fibre.


Many thanks


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 21 of 23

Full fibre is TalkTalk's marketing for FTTP, the fibre terminates in your house. This means that the company doing the installation (typically Openreach or CityFibre), or their contractors will require access to your property to install an ONT (Optical Network Termination) box. That is the end of the fibre, from there an Ethernet cable will connect up to the eero.


To manage the eero a smartphone app is required, plus the phone needs Bluetooth. Mobile data is briefly required initially, so a tablet is unlikely to work. The app currently supports devices running Android 7.0 or later and iOS 15 or later. Your device must also have Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) enabled, so Bluetooth versions earlier than 4.0 aren't supported.


Once set up your Desktop computer can connect to the eero via wireless or Ethernet, but you will not be able to configure anything on the eero without the eero app on a phone. This is how Amazon designed the product, TalkTalk has no way to alter it.


If this is not going to work for you, it might be possible to request TalkTalk supply a Sagemcom WiFi Hub 2, but it is not the correct router for your package.



I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
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Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 22 of 23

Yes, 'Full Fibre' is FTTP (not FFTP).

Yes, Eero router requires Smart Phone and Eero Smart Phone app, to set up the Eero router, and to maintain it.

(Windows takes second place regarding the Eero.)

Similarly, I prefer being online on the Desktop computer.

So, the Eero router will NOT operate the same as your current TalkTalk router.


TalkTalk might be able to allow you to continue using your existing router, if you ask them, when making the new contract, Full Fibre 150.

You certainly was spot on, in your questions.

