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Forum Posts

Very Important - V2 Sagemcom FAST266 WiFi Booster

Do not connect this new version of the FAST266 WiFi booster until you have checked the firmware version on your Sagemcom Wi-Fi Hub. The Wi-Fi Hub must be running a minimum of V202 firmware, before attempting to connect this V2 Wi-Fi Booster. If it is...

Weak Securirty warning on Apple iOS and Windows 10 or 11

Some Apple products have recently had an upgrade that can show the WiFi connection as having weak security:- iPad Software Version 14.01 - since the update to Version 14.0 it has shown Weak Security iPhone SE Software Version 14.01 -since the update ...

Additional eero

Hello, two questions. If I buy a seconds talktalk eero on eBay, will it continue to work? Would seem a great way of reducing ewaste. Do talktalk sell new / refurbished euros and if so could you send me a price list? Thanks

TalkTalk Needs to Source Different Routers

I'm located in West Yorkshire. We've had an inconsistent connection for this past year on TalkTalk. I'm switching providers this week. About a month ago, my Eero router failed. I received a replacement. After another month of random dropped connectio...

Eero router does not have discovery/secure plus

Hi, We have full fibre with the eero 6 router, however we don't have access to the secure plus/discovery area which means we cannot change things like the ad blocker. Can this please be added to our account. Thanks

LouH81 by Sightseer
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What's the difference in these two eeros

I have an eero6 for my full fibre broadband and have decided to switch my landline to VOIP. Do facilitate this I have been sent a new eero6 and a VOIP adaptor.My question is...What is the difference between my existing router and the new one. They ar...

ftwizard by Conversation Starter
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Full Fibre Install

Hi. I have a full fibre install a week tomorrow 26th March. A couple of questions, which i would sooner get straight from the horses mouth, so to speak. Will both the Router and the VOIP equipment be sent to me, before the installation. Secondly. I d...

tsmiggy by Whizz Kid
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Not received router, Engineer coming in 3 days

Hello, I have been contacting support constantly about this and keep getting the same answer. This is already 4 months delayed and my appointment is due on the 21st, no tracking details received and every time I contact support I just get told : "res...

K8SE10 by Newbie
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Resolved! 2.4 ghz device unable to see new eero wifi

I upgraded to full fibre and an eero 6, and have all my devices connected except one. This is a wifi enabled cat flap which was fine on my previous router. However despite trying legacy mode, or disabling 5 ghz it can't see my network and I can't add...

Additional Eero router

Hi I have recently upgraded my broadband to full fibre 150.I'm having problems watching tv in the bedroom furthest away from the router, the picture is frequently buffering.I was wondering if an additional Eero router might solve this problem and if ...

Port forwarding with Eero 6 router

Hi all, I am attempting to open and forward ports (51820, 80, 443) from my Eero 6 router to a device. I have set this up on the Eero app including adding IPv6 firewall rules, trialled turning IPv6 off, and confirmed my device firewall is not blocking...

Full fibre 500 not getting even minimum speed from that

From 3rd of march when my service was installed I'm getting constant issues with my package speed. ONT > eero 6 pro router showing 517Mbps on eero app Anything connected to main eero router by either wifi or cable (cat6) can't get past 300Mbps. I hav...

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Eero no Internet connection, CityFibre

I am getting seriously annoyed with the TT Full Fibre connection. Over a year ago was informed that CityFibre would be installing ONT and would be switched to full fibre as a result. But ever since I’ve been stuck on a Part Fibre connection with old ...

Fibre900 needs eero Pro 6E or Wifi 7 router

Hello,Can TalkTalk provide eero Pro 6E or Wifi7 router with Fibre900?The current eero pro 6 is not capable of maintaining the fibre900 speed. Waste of money, if customer is paying price of Fibre900 and getting speed to Fibre500.Can someone technical ...

bitrate by Repeat Guest
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Eero 6 poor coverage in

Hi, since having eero 6 fitted, my WiFi coverage into my kitchen extension is poor due to it being furthest away from the eero 6, what is best way to improve this?

les41 by First Timer
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Short wire from fibre connection box to eero

Hi there my wire is so short (90cm) from the connection box to theeero that I have it on books. Just wonder if I can buy another on amazonand what to purchase does it have to be any special type.Thanks

Karenjo by Visitor
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how to keep the Eero alive?

OK so I am using my own router connected directly to the fibre ONT. I am happy with this. I will keep the Eero because if TalkTalk wants to troubleshoot my guess is they will want me to connect the Eero directly to the ONT. However I have noted repor...

ypwlng by Team Player
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Requesting another eero

I recently had Full Fibre 900 installed and was given an eero pro 6 router to go along with it. I have found that I only recieve full signal in the room that the router is based in and the minute I exit that room my signal either becomes weak or drop...

Amazon Eero and TP Link Deco

Hi, Just been upgraded to Full Fibre 150 and got the new eero router but didn't realise it only had 2 lan ports one for input and the other for landline or talktalk box. on the old router (sagemcom fast 5464-2) it had 4 ports so I was able to connect...

bshah by First Timer
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What is eero pro 6s

I can see details on the eero site for eero pro 6 (discontinued?) and eero pro 6E. But what is eero pro 6s? Is it a special model for TalkTalk?

trvaa by Popular Poster
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Eero 6 limited signal. Cant set up extenders

Hi. I have just been upgraded to full fibre 150 and been sent an Eero 6. I was told this was a fantastic router and would cover the distance to my detached garage 15 meters away from my house without issue. I have set it up and in the same room get f...

Eerro external IP

I just connect my new router Amazon eero. It connects but it gets to an error of External IP i tried everything possible in terms of troubleshooting but still not connecting. Please could someone help me.

Adding an extra Eero Pro 6

HiI've been on full fibre now for about 3 months and have recently installed an external security camera. However, this gets little to no WiFi signal.Do TalkTalk supply additional Eero Pro 6 routers so I can try to position it as close as possible to...

Full Fibre Install Delays

Hi, I was supposed to have my full fibre installed on the 15th of January but the engineer who showed up only installed the wall socket inside our flat and on the flat roof outside but didn't connect the fibre optic cable outside as it needed to be p...