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Forum Posts

Very Important - V2 Sagemcom FAST266 WiFi Booster

Do not connect this new version of the FAST266 WiFi booster until you have checked the firmware version on your Sagemcom Wi-Fi Hub. The Wi-Fi Hub must be running a minimum of V202 firmware, before attempting to connect this V2 Wi-Fi Booster. If it is...

Weak Securirty warning on Apple iOS and Windows 10 or 11

Some Apple products have recently had an upgrade that can show the WiFi connection as having weak security:- iPad Software Version 14.01 - since the update to Version 14.0 it has shown Weak Security iPhone SE Software Version 14.01 -since the update ...

not happy with my service

ive been waiting 3 weeks for openreach to install full fibire (two cancelled appointments) finally installed it today (i was not home my mum was there and she knows nothing about it ) as openreach come early came home from work checked my speed and o...

Fibre900 needs eero Pro 6E or Wifi 7 router

Hello,Can TalkTalk provide eero Pro 6E or Wifi7 router with Fibre900?The current eero pro 6 is not capable of maintaining the fibre900 speed. Waste of money, if customer is paying price of Fibre900 and getting speed to Fibre500.Can someone technical ...

bitrate by Sightseer
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Full Fibre 1.8GBPS

Will TalkTalk ever be offering this? Its been available through the Openreach website for some time.


Could you please clarify the status of my full fibre connection? I have been waiting for approximately four months, but I have yet to receive full fibre service. I would like to know if the installation will take the full contract length.On a separat...

VBhakta by Newbie
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Shell Energy to TalkTalk Transfer speed issues.

When I was with Shell Energy I was running at Around 108MB speeds and once my contract ended I decided to Stay with TalkTalk and "Upgrade" to the 150MB package. I have been on Fibre 150 Data Only now for several months and my line is still running at...

Slow download, fast upload on Full Fibre500

I'm experiencing slow dowload speeds but fast upload.Up until two days ago I had no issues. Now I'm getting between 1Mbps and 6Mbps down, but still around 70Mbps up.The connection in the eero app is showing as ~125Mbps )a lot less than FullFibre500),...

Full Fibre 150 and Voice package

I have been asked to get in touch with one of your team as the problem that I still have is still with me. My account is still reading that I'm on Fibra 35. and the speed is 45Mbps download 29 Mbps upload. I had the full fibra fitted with Open Reach ...

Full Fibre 500 upgrade from 150 still not active

Hi, My new contract to Fibre 500 was supposed to have started yesterday 28th Jan. After 4 phone (3 Hrs) calls to various TalkTalk call centres throughout the planet I'm still none of the wiser. It doesn't help that the language barrier seems to make ...

Modelman by Chat Champion
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eero 6 using wrong channel

The 5GHz band of my eero 6s have suddenly started using channel 122. This is above the channel range supported by the Wi-Fi adapter in my PC (RTL8821CE) and now I can only use the 2.4GHz band, which is very slow. I understand that there is a patch fo...

silvergirl by Super Duper Contributor
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Speed into Router

Have run TT Speed Test, after the results it shows "speed to your router" mine just says "no data available" - How do I get it to display speed to Router - I'm sure I've seen this in the past but every attempt this week gives "no data"Have tried logg...

D_ave by Popular Poster
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No speed difference from 500Mb to 900Mb service

Hi, I've just updated my 500 service to the 900 service and there is no noticeable speed difference in my connection at all. I've received the email from TT announcing my 900 service as live but nothing has changed.Just completed a speed test using O...

Speed not 900

Hi, I'm on the fibre 900 package but I've never been able to get speeds above 500. I was previously on fibre 500 but the upgrade does not seem to have had any effect.

very low connection speed

My cable was installed last week for full fibre and so far, the speeds I am getting are between 20 and 30 mbps. Initially I used my old router, but I was then sent an eero, which is slightly slower than the old one. I was on the phone to the technica...

Villip by Chatterbox
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900 to 1600mbps and renewals

I’m almost out of contract having been with TalkTalk for 12 months. Which has been issue free and I’ve been pretty happy. I’m getting direct mails fromcompetitors about going from 900 to 1600mbps. My renewal for the next period has jumped over £10 a ...

Fibre availability

My neighbours either side have full fibre but openreach say it is not available for my house despite all 3 houses sharing the same telegraph pole. *removed for security*

Full Fibre 150 drastic drop in speed

Being having massive issues with our Wi-Fi speed these past two weeks, connection problems, drop-outs etc. Eero app getting around 16-19mbps when it should be 150ish.Not happy that I’m paying for such a slow connection when it was working fine. Contr...

ChrisW6 by Popular Poster
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Eero pro 6

Well try as I might, I just could not get used to the limitations with these routers. Yes, I know they are designed for basic easy set but they do lack features that you need. Never understood why they setup on 192.168.4.* for a start. Had to reset t...

Full Fibre 900 plus, only getting 98 mbps

service, 900 plus, was getting 900-950 mbps,lately internet been laggy, discord calls dropping and so on, tested speed, between 80 and 95 mbps down, 98 up. but varies.Restarted fiber portRestarted Eero hubsRan speed checks, health checks (eero app an...

Constant 100% Packet Loss

Hello, i have raised this with talktalk support numberous times via live chat and through the phone line, all line and speed tests showed excellent condition and no issues. I have an 2 x Eero Pro 6 routers, one upstairs in my house, one downstairs. I...

Packetloss_wifi.png Speedtest.png Media (1).png Media.png

Resolved! eero booster

I read a thread earlier on the subject of boosters but didn't want to hijack that thread so i have opened my own. Are boosters free, discounted or full price i ask as my son is a gamer and his bedroom is furthest away from the router he says its been...

Upgrading to Data 900 and no speed improvement at all!

Hi I l’ve upgraded from Fibre 75 to Data 900 and my speed stayed the same! After 3 visits from the CityFibre engineer and changing the fibre from the cabinet to my house, because the light was a bit off there was no change. The next day he was booked...

Starsidgi by Popular Poster
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Fibre 150 no or little reception upstairs

I have fibre 150 with eero 6 mesh router. Ever since they installed it I have little or no reception upstairs. It's very bad. Can this be fixed with a extender. If so how much are they and how do I get one