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Forum Posts

Very Important - V2 Sagemcom FAST266 WiFi Booster

Do not connect this new version of the FAST266 WiFi booster until you have checked the firmware version on your Sagemcom Wi-Fi Hub. The Wi-Fi Hub must be running a minimum of V202 firmware, before attempting to connect this V2 Wi-Fi Booster. If it is...

Weak Securirty warning on Apple iOS and Windows 10 or 11

Some Apple products have recently had an upgrade that can show the WiFi connection as having weak security:- iPad Software Version 14.01 - since the update to Version 14.0 it has shown Weak Security iPhone SE Software Version 14.01 -since the update ...

Awful TalkTalk fiber broadband

Hello,I am extremely frustrated with TalkTalk's service. This is the second time in a month that I've been left without internet access for several days. I seriously want to consider switching providers, as the service I've paid for is abysmal and no...

Valsud by First Timer
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