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on 17-09-2023 04:37 PM
Good day.
First of all I am not *yet a client, but I am thinking to join.
Problem is - TalkTalk shows that full fibre is not available at my place
I currently already use FF900 from other company that use openreach infrastructure, all I am looking now is just switch. I did search around and all top ISP giving me option of FF with one exception - TalkTalk
How this could be fixed?
Thank you in advance.
on 18-09-2023 08:00 AM
There is only so much capacity at any one time.
If Talktalk says it's not available, it's not yet available - much better that you don't get embroiled in an offer which is then put on hold / deferred for an unpredictable amount of time.
on 18-09-2023 02:14 AM
Thank you for your answer @Gliwmaeden2
But its somehow doesnt make sense.
Openreach FTTP is available and I am using it already from BT ( Full Fibre 900 )
Openreach shows on its panel that TalkTalk is one of their selection .Openreach
Also for example if I would check availability for product at (sky,plusnet,vodafone,coop etc etc) they would show Full Fibre products normally .
For some reason only at TalkTalk I am opted out. 😕
on 17-09-2023 09:31 PM
It's a simple fact that if Talktalk doesn't have a deal to work with Openreach in a particular area, you can't get the service through them.
Here, for example, I can get Fast Broadband with Talktalk, using the Openreach infrastructure, but FTTC and FTTP are not available.
CityFibre is in the street, so available, but I would have to move to Vodafone to access it.
Or just move to Virgin for faster services.
You just have to go with the flow of what's available in your area as the ISPs and the infrastructure people all have to do deals with each other, and they are not all up and running everywhere. Full Fibre is still, relatively speaking, new, and even with Fibre to the Cabinet there were limitations to capacity and availability.
Switching is not yet as straightforward as it was between copper line services. You just have to go with what's available - keep checking back for availability from time to time if you really want to move to Talktalk, @daugava.