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on 19-01-2025 03:22 PM
Just home from holiday. No broadband. Tried reset and now here we go again!
Why not a direct contact to talk to somebody about the problem instead of posting something on the community whatever it is?
on 20-01-2025 08:21 AM
Was this from a text / email / in My Connection?
You are best waiting now for staff to pick this up, as they should be able to see what's going on, @andrew57.
on 20-01-2025 06:44 AM
What happens now? I looked earlier at update on my broadband issue (although I can’t find it now) and it said to Contact the Team. Pressed that and………..nothing! How do I contact the team? Or better still why aren’t the team contacting me to fix the problem. You just can’t get it right. Why is this process so complex?
on 19-01-2025 04:07 PM
If you wish to chat online, there is a link on this page together with details of opening hours
I shall remove your duplicate posts to avoid confusion.
on 19-01-2025 03:53 PM
Where is online chat?
on 19-01-2025 03:50 PM
Tried the live chat but no response even though it should no available until 7pm. Why is everything so difficult with TT?
on 19-01-2025 03:37 PM
If you wish to chat online, there is a link on this page together with details of opening hours
Or try phoning 0345 172 0088 when open.
Opening Hours can be found here - https://community.talktalk.co.uk/t5/Articles/How-to-contact-TalkTalk-Broadband/ta-p/2230529#
Or describe your issue here and staff will be back tomorrow.