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Still having trouble with my accounts and passwords

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 1

Dear All,

               I believed that I might have cracked the previous problems, with the help of the Community, NOT the agent from TT who, it appears, has forgotten to contact me. Not to worry, she didn't seem to understand my problem anyway.

At the moment I have 4 logins withTT .

2    apps.TT  with my two email addresses, each with a password

1     Auth.TT  with one of my email addresses and password

myaccount.TT with one of my email addresses.

The only login I understand is the last one, but I can obviously open my webmail and Community accounts with two of the other logins. Which ones I know not, but am too afraid to try and find out, in case all hell breaks loose. (As it did at Christmas!) The verification codes do not help either.


Now I'm being plagued by my Android phone that wants me to verify my password for one of my email addresses in order to syc my phone with the rest of the tablets and Pc's etc. The trouble is: it will not accept either of the two new passwwords I've set up.

Anyone feeling lucky?  Your help would be much appreciated.

