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Hi - there have been a number of issues that I have raised in a complaint that need to be resolved. However I seem to be getting nowhere.
The typical answer on email is "I have forwarded your correspondence to the Manager who is looking after your complaint. The quickest way to receive updates about this issue is to call us on 0345 1720 088, quoting your complaint reference number. Alternatively, a Manager will try to contact you by phone within 3 working days."
However that 0345 number does not allow me to get through to a complaints resolution. It seems to want to pass me to troubleshooting.
The chat method (WhatsApp) this morning they said someone would call me. They have not called.
I tried the chat again - the person thought it was all technical issues. No it is not!
I need someone who can read my complaint properly and address all the points. I know this community forum cannot resolve formal complaints so there is no point for me to put the information here. But I will give one of the points as an example - it looks like I am still being billed for my old g.fast even though it has been disconnected and I am now on Full Fibre. The talktalk person I contacted about that did not dare to stop the g.fast because they feared it would stop everything (i.e. my Full Fibre).
However it looks like yourselves seem to have a way to escalate to TalkTalk. Please can you do that. Please can someone senior read through my complaint and get things resolved for me.
Thank you
They can take quite a while to update My Account to reflect the change to Full Fibre, @ypwlng.
Staff on here won't have sight of your complaint. Look out for their response during the day.