Get help with your TalkTalk landline and calling features.
on 01-10-2023 05:28 PM
Good afternoon,
My TalkTalk landline has recently developed a fault whereby the phone only rings twice on an incoming call and then stops. However the calling party still hears ringing until the answering service kicks in (and my phone allows me to still see the caller's details) but if I attempt to pick up after the 2 rings I cannot connect the call and hear nothing. I have tried replacing the ADSL filter and swapping around various phones but the problem persists. I understand this is a known issue, possibly with the exchange, and would appreciate your assistance in rectifying it please.
on 02-10-2023 02:58 PM
Hi Debbie,
I have done as you suggested (phone directly connected for 15mins) but have been unable to replicate the fault.
on 02-10-2023 02:23 PM
Hi NJR83
Would it be possible to connect the phone at the test socket for 15 minutes and then make some test calls to your line? (to see if you can replicate the fault)
on 02-10-2023 02:20 PM
No Debbie I haven't tried a phone directly at the test socket and with the router removed because as I just said the fault is so intermittent (happens maybe 1 time out of 10) that I can't afford to be without internet access for that length of time.
on 02-10-2023 02:17 PM
Hi NJR83
If you have tested with a different phone at the test socket then the next step will be an Openreach engineer visit to the property.
on 02-10-2023 02:15 PM
Hi Debbie,
Many thanks for your reply.
The trouble is the fault is very intermittent/ unpredictable and hard to replicate so it would be very difficult for me to leave the router unplugged for long enough.
on 02-10-2023 06:45 AM
Hi NJR83
I'm really sorry to hear this.
The line tests are clear - No faults detected.
Have you also tested with a different phone directly at the test socket? and with the router removed?