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Fibre 150 install requirements

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 28 of 28


I am booked for a Fibre 150 upgrade from Fibre 65 this Friday. 

After reading some of the posts here I am a bit concerned if its the right thing to do. Already Talktalk messed up twice with the contract upgrade and equipment sent to me. 


I already have a mesh TT router. I have my security system connected via a powerline - ethernet connection. 

I have been sent the Eero router, then after more requests the Grandstream device for my landline. 

How many power sockets are required in total for the new setup?  As I am a bit limited for spare sockets.  Talk talk tech rep said the install guy will sort it all out - is this correct?  

I notice none are USB powered. 

As I work from home, what do I do if my Fibre does not work as contracted, and how does the internet back up work? 



Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 28

Yes I'll be leaving it alone.


Message 2 of 28



Leave it to the support team, please.


Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 28

I am sorry that I might seem to be contradicting you @DJI_MINI_2_SE 

But when @astrospud said "I spoke to TT today and mentioned the option of the black "mesh" router with voice call port - they said it was not an option and not available for me", on ‎05-03-2025 06:06 PM,

he meant, the TalkTalk Hub 2 with the phone socket. That's what he meant by the black "mesh" router with voice call port.

He repeated it ["If TT wont offer me the TT router with a voice port included (as per photo below)"],

that that was what he meant later at 06-03-2025 08:57 PM

I wonder if he can still be helped, while its being sorted out.

Sometimes TalkTalk has offered the TT Hub 2, in place of the Eero +Grandstream.





Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 28


As the OP has now cancelled the upgrade any further discussion around the vagaries is moot.


Let's leave it to the support team now to help with the contract issue. 


Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 28

It would seem you may  have got confused over the wording.. 


The eero doesn't have a voice call port. you need a separate voice adaptor that plugs into the eero to allow calls did you tell them you wanted digital voice as part of your full fibre package if no that is why they are telling you you cannot have an eero and adaptor?

Please read this again i think i edited it after you posted - 



Did they explain why they will not give you the eero when you move to full fibre 150 i thought this was the standard router with this package. 


If you agree to move to full fibre and they agree to send you an eero  and you  need more ports bite the bullet buy a switch for £8.49  its not worth the hassle of moving for the sake of such a small amount of money. 


Switch below is £8.49 with free delivery - 

TP-Link TL-SF1005D 5-Port 10/100 Mbps Desktop Ethernet Switch/Hub, Ethernet Splitter, Plug & Play, n...


Message 6 of 28

I was assured by the CS team and technical team the Eero and grandstream will serve my needs clearly - and that Open Reach would install extra power sockets or supply extension ports as required. 

Apparently OR do not.  

I am standing my ground as I have been misinformed and therefore why should I accept a contract that was not fit for my purpose? If I cannot connect my additional home services it is a waste of time. 

If TT wont offer me the TT router with a voice port included (as per photo below) then its their loss. I know Sky and other providers offer similar all in one routers. 


Message 7 of 28

@astrospud wrote:

 I was assured several times when upgrading by the accounts and technical team there was no issue for me to upgrade.  I spoke to TT today and mentioned the option of the black "mesh" router with voice call port - they said it was not an option and not available for me. 

Thus, I had 2 choices - sort out extra ports and power sockets at my own problem or cancel the upgrade. 

I probably see out my contract and move to Sky or BT. Noting Sky Full fibre router is much simpler (1 device plus ONT) compared to a min of 3 with TT. 




It would seem you may  have got confused over the wording.. 


The eero doesn't have a voice call port. you need a separate voice adaptor that plugs into the eero to allow calls did you tell them you wanted digital voice as part of your full fibre package if no that is why they are telling you you cannot have an eero and adaptor?


Did they explain why they will not give you the eero when you move to full fibre 150 i thought this was the standard router with this package. 


If you agree to move to full fibre and they agree to send you an eero  and you  need more ports bite the bullet buy a switch for £8.49  its not worth the hassle of moving for the sake of such a small amount of money. 


Switch below is £8.49 with free delivery - 

TP-Link TL-SF1005D 5-Port 10/100 Mbps Desktop Ethernet Switch/Hub, Ethernet Splitter, Plug & Play, n...





Message 8 of 28

Yes a mess. I feel a bit let down by TT overall from the initial contracts and misleading technical support (from TT directly). 


Message 9 of 28

Ah OK, this looks like a bit of a mess! I will move this to the Billing section where the support expert there will be best placed to advise. 


Message 10 of 28

I need to run down my existing Fibre 65 contract for another year yet;  that is IF TT re-instate it as they appear to go back on what they advised me.  


Message 11 of 28

So just switch to a new provider as you previously mentioned? 

Message 12 of 28

I was not offered this by TT customer service. 


My cancellation was accepted 48hrs ago in full over the phone. 
They now called me stating they cannot re-instate my previous fibre 65 contract and I must take out a new contract. Sounds I be making a complaint to Oftel and trading standards. 


Message 13 of 28


Nobody is going to delete your posts, I am not sure why you would say that? Helpful comments from community members are always welcome, I thought on this occasion perhaps you had missed mine. 

Message 14 of 28

Hey, at the end of the day you have choices. One thing you might want to consider is that if you get extra eeros to work as a mesh system then each one will provide two additional ethernet ports. Good luck with whatever you decide, do keep us posted. 


Private Message TalkTalk
Message 15 of 28

thanks everyone replies appreciated. 

It was not just the number of sockets that was a problem. I could just about achieve 3 free with a new extension. 

It was the lack of port for a powerline connection. I was assured several times when upgrading by the accounts and technical team there was no issue for me to upgrade.  I spoke to TT today and mentioned the option of the black "mesh" router with voice call port - they said it was not an option and not available for me. 

Thus, I had 2 choices - sort out extra ports and power sockets at my own problem or cancel the upgrade. 

I probably see out my contract and move to Sky or BT. Noting Sky Full fibre router is much simpler (1 device plus ONT) compared to a min of 3 with TT. 

Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 16 of 28

I am posting this separately so if you delete it my original post above will stay -


 This is not the first time you have pulled me up for this and it has  been noticed and commented on by more than one other member,  what harm is there in posting   more correct and on topic  information in a thread, I like to post pictures so people having problems and who are struggling to connect can  see what i am talking about rather than having to follow links to different sites no harm done in my view.


  Its called the TalkTalk "Community Forum" i assumed that was so we can all help where we can hence the awards system that is in place, please let me know if i have misunderstood that.






Message 17 of 28

@ferguson wrote:


I had already covered that point, I thought. 

My post  also showed the switchable brick type below which until recently i was unaware you could get this may be of interest  to @astrospud  and other members viewing the thread who may not have room for the long version.


The brick  - 




Message 18 of 28


I had already covered that point, I thought. 


Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 19 of 28

"I note the 5 Port Gigabit Switch device - would also need its own power supply, which means a total of 4 sockets required!! It really feels like TT has not managed the supplied hardware very well"




I have two of the square plug adaptors below as i occasionally  need 4 separate plugs to go into my two plug wall socket non of these draw much power so i am not worried about overloading the circuit, you  could use one of the tidier versions at the bottom if you don't already have an adaptor







Message 20 of 28

I don't think "caught out" is necessarily the case. Many, like myself, will not have multiple wired devices. It is what it is and there are workarounds for both the paucity of ethernet ports and the plethora of electrical sockets.