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Faulty DN371T

Private Message
Message 3 of 3

Just a bit of a rant to vent my frustration with TalkTalk.

Following a nightmare with Virgin I thought that despite its reputation I would give TT a try.

I was impressed with both the services provided and the reasonable price up until being offered a free full fibre installation. Not a clue what that was but it sounded good especially with no charge.

Two very pleasant chaps arrived from City Fibre and while liaising by phone with TT did the necessary stuff.

Everything was fine with no apparent change at all to my services - I don’t really know what I was expecting.

I subsequently discovered that the facility to record two programmes while watching a third was no longer working - if I set two to record the programme which I was actually watching would switch to one set for recording (hope that makes sense.

Not a major issue, more of an irritation, but by Sod’s Law it seems that a lot of my favourite programmes air at the same time.

By this time I was victim of a billing issue which has taken three months to sort out before broaching the tv box matter.

I was told to set the box to update which I managed to do and halleluja - all was well - it reverted to recording two programmes while watching another - once only then back to the fault.

I have benefited from a regular work out routine of rolling around on the carpet with a tv box.

Attempts to resolve the matter with customer services by phone and web chat consisted of the most bizarre conversations of my life although it was nice of them to keep assuring me that I was a valued customer and the concern that myself and my family were well - unfortunately nothing at all about the problem - they seemed convinced my computer wasn’t working.

To cut a very long story short yesterday I was informed by a member of the ‘complaints department’ that no TalkTalk box was compatible with City Fibre - bearing in mind that TT had instigated the change. As a resolution I was offered £25 for previously being given inaccurate information and permission to leave TT with no early termination fees - I was out of contract in December 2022.

The resolution was unacceptable and now I am at the stage of awaiting the deadlock letter and DSAR disclosure for inclusion in the evidence bundle for CISAS/Ombudsman just because TT will not sort out a dodgy box.

I am a technophobe but am convinced the DN371T box must be getting obsolete and needs replacing.

It is ironic that I do not even have a SMART tv - I have a real one which may actually be pretty stupid but certainly more efficient than the tv box.

I am now looking forward to City Fibre returning to work on Monday to confirm with them that their fibre is incompatible with TalkTalk - I have it in black and white from TT.


All the best to everybody.



Private Message
Message 1 of 3

Ferguson - I am very grateful for your input - all becomes clear. Both myself and TT have been ‘negotiating’ in the belief that my box could record two programmes while watching a third which is what I was told on joining TT.

In actual fact I am actually relieved that my services are working properly - in fact working very well

It is now apparent that a ridiculous amount of time has been wasted by myself and indeed TT due to the lack of somebody just saying in a few seconds words to the effect of ‘your box is working as it should’ - as you have done.

This has never been about cost and at the outset and at any stage I would have discussed any option and paid for a suitable available upgrade.

My previous post was a little tongue in cheek - my internet is fine and my non smart has nothing to do with City Fibre.

All is as it should be apart from the absolute shambles of Customer Care.

I have this morning received an email confirmation that my SAR request is being processed and as a deadlock has been reached I expect to be blanked.

So I will plough on with the paperwork and enquiries with City Fibre basically just to evidence the shortcomings of Customer  Care which seems a bit of a waste of time as I am sure CISAS/Ombudsman are already fully aware. I am now unclear what outcome I am expecting ie the basic ‘what do you want from this procedure’.

I am fully aware that TT does not have a procedure for a sensible and reasonable chat with a supervisor/manager which is all I have wanted from the outset.

Once again Ferguson many thanks for your assistance - the only voice of sanity I have experienced during the course of this ‘issue’.


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 3

Frankly, what you have been told is rubbish. There is no reason at all why your box should not work on a full fibre connection. Especially the recording features which have nothing to do with your Internet connection whatsoever, based as they are on your TV signal.  So, the only advice you need relates to the TV box itself. 


Your box has never had the capability to record two channels while watching a third, except the rare occasions that all three may occur on the same multiplex. So from what you have described, nothing has changed. Please correct me if I have misunderstood.