For help with your TalkTalk TV box, channels and apps.
on 06-12-2024 11:51 PM
Had nothing but issues of syncing, glitching, losing sound. Every single time we have to turn it off and on again. Talk talk are making fools out of the general public by telling them to switch it off and back on again to resolve the issue. We tried that about 500 times and it does not work. No body who receives an electronic item should have to do that at anytime. If you purchased a car n the salesperson says, if it cuts out or acts weird then just switch it off and on again, would you buy it? HELL NO YOU WOULDN'T. TALK TALK YOU OWE US COMPENSATION FOR KNOWINGLY GIVING OUT THESE BOXES WITH FAULTS. CANCELING OUR TV HUB AND BROADBAND AND TELEPHONE LINE BECAUSE TALK TALK IS FULL OF BULS#*T TALK. SCAMMERS AND MAKING FOOLS OUT OF PEOPLE. NOT INTERESTED IN DEALING WITH IT IN A PROPER MANNER AND RECALLING ALL THE TV HUBS TO GET NEW ONES OUT. GOOD BYE TALK TALK. I REALLY CANNOT SAY IT WAS A PLEASURE, MORE OF A NIGHTMARE.
on 06-12-2024 11:55 PM
Would you like any help from the support team here, or did you just want to let off steam?