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Forum Posts

Digi voice upgrade

I am currently on full fibre 65 with a copper landline and have applied to upgrade to the digi voice there by keeping my phone number and current phone set with a new adapter.On looking at the videos detailing how to do this I have realised that my c...

west-hoe by First Timer
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Eero 6 additional Eero 6 to my network

Hi, I am interested in adding another mesh node with an Eero 6 Pro but cannot find any reference to buying these on your website. I would like to know what models are available and at what price or should I just buy one from Amazon or Ebay? Can you e...

Wifi Hub software update

My Wifi Hub reports its software version is SG4K100174.Is that the latest or is an update available?Reason for asking is that it occasionally crashes and needs a power-off and reboot. (approx monthly).(Hub version is FAST 5364-3.T8)Thanks for any fee...

Using Sagem talk talk hub as modem

I’m thinking of getting tp-link deco P9 router to create mesh WiFi at home. I’m trying to use the Talk Talk hub as a modem, but can’t seem to find the option to do so. Does anyone know how I can do that? If not, can I just use the router without conn...