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How to delete your community account

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So you want to leave the community? Whilst we'd hate to see you leave us, we understand that you may want to delete your account and any associated personal data, so we've created an easy way for you to close your community account. 


When closing your account, all of the personal data held on your account is deleted such as your username, email address, private messages and any phone numbers you may have given us, your posts will also be anonymised. 


You can close your account by following the below steps:

  1. Navigate to your settings page 
  2. Within the Personal Profile section select Close Account
  3. Read the warning message 
  4. Click Close Account
  5. You'll be asked one last time if you're sure, if you wish to proceed type in your login/username and click Close Account one final time

Remember, Once you've closed your account were unable to recover any of your details as they are permanently deleted, your username will also be made available for new members to use if they wish. 


If you have any questions about closing your account, post in any of our discussion boards and ask for a member of staff to help you.  


Stephen, Community Manager