For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.
on 02-06-2023 09:09 PM
Hi all,
so it has become apparent this week that IF you run a TalkTalk speed test and it is lower than the minimum acceptable level; the test will just ‘fail’ rather than give you the actual mps number.
really poor, leaves a bad taste. Anyone else experienced this?
I’ll load some screenshots if I can , for further detail-
on 05-06-2023 12:58 PM
It's possible that the test is not able to fully complete if the speeds have dropped very low. How often does this happen and what are the highest speeds that you have received previously, before the speeds dropped please?
on 05-06-2023 12:55 PM
now that my speed is back above 8mps, the TalkTalk speed test is returning a result.
my point is that when the result is (by independent testing) LOWER than the agreed acceptable level, a ‘sorry we couldn’t run a test’ message comes up, rather than the actual low speed value.
on 05-06-2023 07:39 AM
I'm sorry for the delay. I've run a test on the line now which is clear. Can I just confirm, what speeds were you originally seeing? How do the wired speeds compare? Is the router currently connected directly at the test socket?
on 02-06-2023 09:42 PM
I honestly don't know what to say to that. I will leave this to others. And the support team will of course advise when they are back online from Monday.
on 02-06-2023 09:35 PM
Well they would obviously want you to see the 155mps you are getting!
on 02-06-2023 09:29 PM
OK, let me put it another way. It looks like you are using an IPhone. I have just tested on mine and it works.
So whatever the problem is, nobody is "avoiding" anything.
on 02-06-2023 09:18 PM
The last screenshot is an independent test - 5.98mbs.
did it a few times, it returned the same number (ish) each time - whereas the TalkTalk test thought about it for 2-3 minutes and came back with error.
we are remote here, so don’t expect a lot. But appreciate openness with/from our chosen providers
on 02-06-2023 09:13 PM
I can't say I have. Can you try from a different browser? Bear in mind that the guaranteed minimum speed for your line is as delivered to your router and can often be less than that on a wireless test because of other factors.