For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.
on 20-12-2023 12:18 PM
Hi, hope everyone at TalkTalk is well.
I've had a problem for many weeks now - every time it is even slightly windy, my broadband disconnects constantly. We both work from home frequently and it is very very difficult to do so at the moment.
I've tried a number of approaches which haven't been able to resolve the situation:
I have googled the problem - I know this doesn't make me an expert or anything and I don't want to dismiss the experts at Talk Talk - but the constant thing that I keep finding is that a loose external cable or connector could be at fault. The phone line from the mast to our property goes through the branches of a tall tree (not on our property) that is gently swaying in the wind, and I wonder if this could also be a factor. Please let me know if you'd like a photo of the tree.
I'd really appreciate any help with this. While its not a problem in clement weather, its just impossible to work when its windy.
Regardless of the outcome, my best Christmas wishes to the TalkTalk and OpenReach teams!
on 27-12-2023 07:05 AM
I'm sorry for the delay. Can I just confirm, have you been contacted by Openreach?
on 22-12-2023 03:09 PM
Hi Simon,
Just checked again and no further updates yet, we'll check again next week
Chris, Community Team
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on 22-12-2023 07:55 AM
Hi Simon,
No further updates at the moment, I'll check again later
Chris, Community Team
Our latest Blog l Share your Ideas l Service Status l Help with your Service l Community Stars l Set your preferences
on 21-12-2023 07:39 AM
Good morning,
I've checked and there are no additional updates back from Openreach as yet. We'll check this again first thing in the morning.
on 20-12-2023 01:21 PM
Hi Simon
Ahh you're welcome 🙂
Apologies again for the issues you are experiencing with the line, hopefully the engineers will be able to fix this quickly.
on 20-12-2023 01:13 PM
Thanks so much for your prompt response, especially in the run-up to Christmas. I feel much happier now!
on 20-12-2023 01:11 PM
Hi Simon
Thanks for your reply. Ok, I've passed this straight over to Openreach to investigate the line fault detected.
This will be investigated externally by an Openreach line engineer. We will continue to monitor for additional updates from Openreach.
Thanks again.
on 20-12-2023 12:58 PM
I'm sorry, I don't have a landline handset or landline phone, so I don't know how I can check this.
on 20-12-2023 12:54 PM
Hi Simon
Thank you 🙂
The line test is detecting a potential line fault.
Can I check before I raise this fault, is there any noise on your landline when making calls?
on 20-12-2023 12:48 PM
Have done so now, sorry it wasn't there already! Thanks.
on 20-12-2023 12:39 PM
Hi Simon_M
I'm really sorry to hear this.
Please can you add your TalkTalk landline number to your Community Profile, we can the take a look at this for you.