For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.
I've got a similar problem to many others here. It started at the end of November. At first it was momentary disconnections. Today, I hardly get broadband at all. It's up for 5 minutes, then off for an hour or more.
Reporting it via the chat service hasn't helped. They keep marking the issue as 'resolved' when it isn't. Do I need a new router?
yesterday - last edited yesterday
Many thanks Keith. I do have a Sagemcom router, and I've done that change. It's now been up for 15 minutes, which is the longest so far today. I'll report back in an hour and assume it's a permanent fix if it's still up.
*** 40 mins later ***
No, it didn't quite make it to an hour, and dropped out after about 45 minutes (same symptoms). It came back again after about 5 minutes, so it seems to be a lot better than before that change to using Google DNS. But not a permanent fix.
Thanks very much for the suggestion though, Simon.
Do you have a Sagemcom router? If so, try changing the DNS server from TalkTalk ( to Google DNS ( Log into the router & go to:-
Dashboard > See internet settings > Manage advanced settings > Internet connectivity > DNS IPv4
Then change the DNS dropdown box to Manually Specify DNS. Then set DNS 1 & DNS 2 as and
I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
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