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Broadband help

For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.

Worst customer service I've ever experienced

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Private Message
Message 9 of 9

I have had my internet going down intermittently for over a week. I took a day off to have an engineer from Talk Talk come round to test the line and confirmed that there was an issue between the line and the exchange and an open reach engineer would go out and fix the issue and it would be resolved. I then received a text saying an engineer would not need to come to my house so i didn't need to worry about being in.  Great i thought perfect made the right choice with this company a response that is quick and easy. Then yesterday an open reach engineer comes to my house and advises me there is no fault with the line ( he didnt check the exchange just my phone line)  so i need a new hub and to contact Talk Talk to get one ordered. Thats not what the other engineer advised me of, I contact talk talk and I'm told that i can't get a new hub as there is no evidence that mine is faulty- and when i call into speak to someone in the call centre I'm told that they are closed?! This is ridiculous- surely i can't be held to my contract with this level of incompetence and the fact you aren't providing me with the service im paying for?.. Can someone please contact me a.s.a.p to get some kind of fix urgently please. This has taken a day off work so far and many hours of my free time that i have better uses for. 


Message 1 of 9

Message 2 of 9

Will do, thank you 


Message 3 of 9

I've ordered the router, it should be with you within a couple of days. Please let us know how you get on


Message 4 of 9

Hi, a new hub would be great. The modem seems to stay connected most the time it seems to be the hub light that flashes orange and reconnects. I have the fibre 150 if that’s important.Could you please confirm when it’s been sent. 


Message 5 of 9

Hi, a new hub would be great to test with ( the modem lights stay on when it disconnects) it’s the hub light that flashes and goes down. It’s the fibre 150 hub. Can u confirm when it’s been sent please? 


Message 6 of 9

OK thanks. Would you like me to arrange to send another router to test with?



Message 7 of 9

Thanks for the respose, the speeds etc are fine. The issue is that the internet keeps going down. Its only a few times a day when im on my own however when my boys come over it goes down more frequently. It only goes down for a few minutes then comes back up. Due to the line not beinbg stable i cant work from home. The first engineer (from talk talk)  advised there was a fault that needed fixing at the exchange. Im not sure if you have access to his report? its already dropped this morning at about 10:10 ( ive got the day off today)


Support Team
Private Message
Message 8 of 9

Hi Zalont,


Line tests were showing a potential fault with your line. Two line tests on the 13th failed, a test at 13:48 on the 16th failed but then a later test at 15:54 passed. I've just run another test and the connection appears more stable with and speeds look good. How has your connection been since your last post?
