Ask us about your TalkTalk email account and Webmail.
on 08-02-2025 12:08 PM
I’ve never had a problem before as been receiving for years but all of a sudden they aren’t coming or the odd one is going to spam?
08-02-2025 08:03 PM - edited 08-02-2025 08:09 PM
It doesn't make sense for customers to decide how best to run the forum, @AnonAmouse.
Community stars are just people who remind you of the forum rules - we don't make these things up.
You can find your way back to posts you started by going to the top of a message board and clicking on the 2 lines top right, to the right of Email:
That opens up this row of options:
So you then choose Posts and get just your posts listed:
You could also be a bit creative so that your own topic is not exactly like every other one on the subject.
I am only passing on what Ady-talktalk tells us again and again, so if it works better for staff keeping track of individuals involved, this is the way it has to be done.
You are hijacking @suevbrown197833's thread, so I am going to lock this for now, until staff have had a chance to reply.
on 08-02-2025 07:15 PM
Having separate threads for each individual customer does not often make sense
when that results in many separate thread headings all saying the same thing.
Makes it difficult to navigate around the Forum.
Ano @@@
on 08-02-2025 05:01 PM
Please don't post "me too" on help threads, @AnonAmouse, as they are in the queue for attention from staff. Each further post delays progress in the workflow for the original poster.
You need to return to the message board and click on start a topic
Having separate threads for each individual customer avoids confusion between accounts and gives Talktalk a much clearer idea of the number of customers affected.
Staff will be back after the weekend to respond.
on 08-02-2025 03:52 PM
Me to .. not receiving emails from Tesco.
I have just Saturday 8 Feb 3 pm spoken to TESCO on phone .
They say they are aware of there Emails not being delivered to TalkTalk or Tiscali addressees.
Seems to be a general issue with all customers .
I have seen the problem for over a week.
Is it affecting other Senders as well? (worry, worry).
TESCO emails are not being received at all - not going to Spam or Trash ..nothing.
HB 😞
on 08-02-2025 01:21 PM
Thankyou I’ll try
on 08-02-2025 12:57 PM
It's a known issue, @suevbrown197833.
Put the affected email address in Private Notes [and complete your Personal information details for staff to identify your account anyway].
Go via your avatar; settings etc. Scroll down further to find the SAVE CHANGES button.
Staff will respond after the weekend.