Ask us about your TalkTalk email account and Webmail.
on 22-03-2023 01:28 PM
Are there problems with the Talktalk email server - and when is it likely to be resolved?
I could get my emails yesterday morning, but then from yesterday afternoon (21st March) I just get a message stating “Unable to connect to e-mail server. Possible reasons: The e-mail server is (temporarily) down or there are network Connection problems. Please try again in a few minutes.”
My husband who also uses Talktalk webmail is able to access his emails……in the same room! What on earth is going on?
I have tried using your help contact, but quite frankly, it was useless - I was kept waiting and then got no response.
on 22-03-2023 07:00 PM
There were issues affecting some mailboxes that were not accessible because the mailbox server was out of action. All resolved now though so hopefully you'll say all ok.
Let us know if not. Some mail users that are still using insecure mail settings i.e. port 110 or 143 for incoming mail or port 25 for outgoing may find they cannot receive or send mail but that's a separate issue.
Gondola Community Star 2017-2024
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