Ask us about your TalkTalk email account and Webmail.
on 28-01-2025 10:19 PM
I have intermittent problems sending emails from my talktalk email (via Thunderbird email client) mainly to yahoo recipients, but also aol - which I believe is owned by Yahoo. I usually get a failed delivery notification some days later, e.g. see attachment. But it's an intermittent failure: sometimes emails sent to a particular recipient are delivered, other times they fail. I should add that I have twice spent an hour or more in an online Chat with a member of TalkTalk customer support team which was a complete and utter waste of time as all they did was investigate my own email, laptop and operating system setup, when this is obviously some issue between the talktalk and yahoo mail servers.
on 04-02-2025 02:59 PM
You're welcome.
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on 03-02-2025 11:30 PM
Thank you Ady, I'll have a go.
on 03-02-2025 09:38 AM
Hi JoannaVC, the best thing to do is make a complaint and request that it go to the CEO team. The complaint process is detailed at the bottom of every TalkTalk webpage.
Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
on 31-01-2025 11:51 PM
Oh dear, that doesn't sound quickly solvable, and is more pervasive than I feared then. Not having reliable email is an absolute nightmare for me - it makes so much extra work, and delays progress on tasks as I wait for a non-forthcoming reply.😢
Is there anything that can be done to apply pressure for a speedy resolution. After all, it seems other domains don't have this issue.
on 31-01-2025 11:48 AM
Yes too much spam is going out from TalkTalk.
Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
on 30-01-2025 05:47 PM
Yes, AlanL4, I think that is what Ady was saying
on 30-01-2025 01:12 PM
It’s not just you as I have exactly the same problem and message as you describe.
Come on talktalk, what are your ‘experts’ up to?
on 30-01-2025 01:08 PM
> Or are you saying that talktalk is allowing too much spam mail through generally, such that yahoo/aol are blocking other non-spam email?
For what's it's worth (and obviously I can't speak for talktalk) I guess Yahoo may have decided there's a lot of spam coming from and they're now blocking mail from that IP address. I wonder if talktalk could:
on 30-01-2025 11:33 AM
Hi Ady, apologies if I'm being stupid, but I don't understand. My emails are not spam; the Undelivered message implies that yahoo/aol regard it as spam - I quote " said: Messages from temporarily deferred due to unexpected volume or user complaints". I don't see what that has to do with whether talktalks' filters are working properly. Or are you saying that talktalk is allowing too much spam mail through generally, such that yahoo/aol are blocking other non-spam email?
Can you clarify who the IP represents - is it the talktalk sending server, or me individually, or ...?
on 30-01-2025 11:07 AM
The incident team have picked it up. I don't know whether TalkTalk can't block the spam or the spammers have got better at getting through the filters or if there's an issue with the filters that the mail team can't find. Whatever the answer I don't have it for you I'm afraid.
Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
on 30-01-2025 10:56 AM
I have started often having this problem when sending to Yahoo users. Here's an example of the error it reports:
said: 421 4.7.0 [TSS04] Messages from temporarily deferred
due to unexpected volume or user complaints -; see (in reply to MAIL FROM command)
Can someone at TalkTalk explain this and do something about it please?
on 30-01-2025 10:55 AM
Thanks Ady, but what does that mean? That the incident team hasn't got round to looking at it, or it will be progressing but no solution yet found, or just being ignored, or ... ? In other words, will we get a response and it's simply a matter of waiting, or is it a lost cause?
Just to add to the info, having despaired of getting emails successfully to one particular recipient (one of several on a distribution list, where the others do successfully receive it), I tried sending the exact same email using a gmail account I have, and it was successfully delivered. So it does seem to be a talktalk-to-yahoo/aol issue, not just a yahoo/aol issue.
on 30-01-2025 08:47 AM
Hi JoannaVC, I raised an incident for this several weeks ago. I check regularly and there's been no update.
Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
on 29-01-2025 01:20 PM
I am having exactly the same problem.
There are several feeds in the community regarding this but nobody seems to have a resolution.
Has anyone managed to resolve the issue??