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on 12-03-2023 05:36 PM
Anyone got any idea why I get an error message each time I try to send an email that reads
".... Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
Subject: ***********************************************
Sent: 12/03/2023 17:23
The following recipient(s) cannot be reached:
********************* on 12/03/2023 17:23
Server error: '453 4.1.1 bPPQpuubGlA9q Too Many Recipients (TT502)' ..."
The email I sent only had one addressee in it.
I did send an email earlier in the day to 80+ in a group. That got bounced back as undeliverable to some recipients which I expected. When that happens I resend to those who didn't get it first time. No problems.
this is blocking me from sending any emails. They appear in my sent items, then I get a respons saying the above message. The recipient does not get the email. Exactly the same happens with webmail and through Outlook.
Any help appreciated
on 12-03-2023 05:56 PM
The error message indicates you've exceeded the sending of mail messages for today and you'll need to wait for up to 24 hours for mail sending restrictions to be fully relaxed.
80 recipients in a distribution list is way too many. Split that list into at least two and send one list per hour and that way you'll not trigger the spam protection limiting of mail sending unless you repeat send to those 80 recipients 7 times in any 24 hour period.
Gondola Community Star 2017-2024
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