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Lost emails (again)

Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 6

Hi, for some reason my account email has been wiped prior to April 2024. Webmail stops in June 2024 on the same account. I use MS outlook 2019 as part of office 2019 with IMAP.


Does TT actually delete emails above a certain age or quantity?


This has happened several times in the past but only on that one account.


My status on this forum has changed to "first timer" despite many previous posts.


Any ideas if or how I can get the lost emails back, and what I can do to prevent it happening again?

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride!

Message 1 of 6

Hi all, finally got around to pursuing this.

@Gliwmaeden2  Profile now says 100% completed.

My older posts went back to when I joined about 10 years ago, so they may have been junked.

Still unable to access a bunch of emails that seem to have vanised between April 2023 and June 2024 from one account only. This is the main address that is tied to my Talktalk account. I have 2 others that are fine. This has happened before and is frustrating. As we use Outlook as part of Office 2019, backups don't seem to work. Is there a relaible way to back up?

I have done some Thunderbird backups but they are a nightmare to find anything in as they are all saved as being the same date.  Maybe a deliberate incompatibility with MS.

@Ady-TalkTalkI will do that as soon as I can. Sorry it got pushed to one side for a while.

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride!

Message 2 of 6

Hi Dangerous2a, please send me a personal message with the affected email address and the date the emails went missing. I should add we don't delete email from anyones mailboxes. We do empty the trash folder after 30 days, but that's all. 




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Message 3 of 6


My old username still seems to apply but as I said, all my previous posts and badges have been wiped, along with all my emails on this one account before April 2024

Strange. The other accounts seem to be fine. It is only the main account email that gets affected.


If wishes were horses, beggars would ride!

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 6

You'll need to fully complete your community forum profile details, @Dangerous2a, for staff to identify your account and look into this for you during the week. 


Go via your avatar; settings; drop down menu.... Personal Information. SAVE CHANGES. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 6

Did you have to reset your username on the forum, @Dangerous2a?


I can only see this and one post from earlier in the week. 


Or if other threads were very much older, they could have been archived. A large batch was cleared out of the way last year.


Your profile date shows you only joined the community with this name on 1st September 2024.


If you are a current customer, email should continue working as normal, though sometimes people have out of date settings for clients, so check these:



Webmail should be normal sign in and not losing stored messages. 


Talktalk always recommends that you back up important emails yourself as they cannot guarantee storage always working as it should. 


Staff will respond during the week. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.