Ask us about your TalkTalk email account and Webmail.
Does marking email messages as SPAM in Webmail or Email client actually do anything?
Does it go to the TalkTalk Email staff for some sort of consideration ?
HWB @@@
Answered! Go to Solution.
As I said, even though suppliers may change, the basic principles hold.
A Google search will also bear this out for other companies, if you can get through the spam sites!
Thank you that post is very useful....full details on how the SPAM detection works.
BUT its over a year old and TalkTalk has changed the Firm that does Email.
So is that info. still valid ?
Will it also work when I put messages into SPAM on my email clients (Edison Mail) ?
HWB @@@
Even though suppliers may change, the basic principles still hold.
There is an excellent reply from our old pal Gondola here.