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Missing emails

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 2

Like a lot of other posters on this forum I am not receiving my Sainsburys emails. There may be others I'm not receiving either. I did report this via live chat a few weeks ago as I was also missing several other emails from other senders, I received a phone call and was told that something had now been changed and I should receive them. I did another live chat a week later as I was still not receiving them and was told to ask Sainsburys if they were sending them and the fault would be kept open. Today I notice that there are no faults showing on my talktalk account so I'm guessing that it has been closed. I am still not receiving all my emails. I have a Sainsburys delivery today and as I book a 4 hour slot I should have received an email stating the hour slot and also my order confirmation on Tuesday and my receipt today. I called Sainsburys and they said they are sending them. I have had some other senders that send time sensitive emails switched to a temporary gmail address so not sure if they would come through to my talktalk address either as I had not been receiving them all before. Please could this be sorted, due to disability I rely on my email and really need these Sainsburys emails as I need to know what time they are coming to plan my timings for rest breaks for the day. Am posting here so it can be looked into along with the other reports and because when I have done a live chat it usually takes about an hour with delays in responses and repeating everything that has been checked before which because of my illness/disability I find exhausting.


Support Team
Private Message
Message 1 of 2

Hi sarahr3, I've added you to the list for futher investigation. I'll post back once I hear back from the team. 




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