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Problem receiving pipex email and logging in to web mail

Team Player
Private Message
Message 14 of 14

I have a pipex email account which was successfully receiving email until yesterday, 1st August.


This morning I noticed that the email application on my phone had an error that it could not sign in.

I tried to access my email via my laptop and this also failed to sign in.

When I tried to log in to the talk Talk webmail I was told that my password was incorrect. I am pretty sure this is not the case since I record my passwords in a secure place.


Anyway, I decided the only course of action was to click the link to say that I had forgotten my password. My mobile phone number is recorded with my account so I assumed that any reset information would be sent to me via that. However I only got as far as entering my pipex email address and there was an error saying that this address is not in the Talk Talk domain.


I am stumped!

J Horner

Message 1 of 14

You're most welcome. 



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First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 14

Hi Ady

Yes that is all sorted now and I have been able to reset my password and reconnect to email from all of my devices and through web mail. Thank you very much for your help and support in this matter it is very much appreciated.


I don't suppose I shall ever know why the old password suddenly stopped working, but at least I do know that I now have alternative reset details in place should it ever happen again.


Once again, many thanks


J Horner

Message 3 of 14

Thanks for the information. I've made the request to have your details updated. It will complete within 24 hours. You can check when its completed by intermittently going to the Password Reset Tool



Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 14

Hi Ady


Thank you for explaining. Yes I think I am with you now. I always assumed that the email address of the style was an alias rather than a child. Because we have multiple mail boxes under one master account then this is the structure I thought you were talking about!


Anyway, the Private Notes part of my Personal Information in my profile here contains the parent email address - it is the one beginning with the letter "m". That section also contains an alternate email address and my mobile phone number. If you could add those to my parent email so that I can do a password reset that would be brilliant. Thank you.


Message 5 of 14

Ok I'll try to explain better. When you first created email accounts with Pipex they gave you a master account a series of letters and numbers e.g. you had no choice over what that address would be. Then you had the option to create more email addresses of your choosing so say the first is the parent email address your newly created ones are the child addresses. In the modern system the only email address that you can create a new password for is the first one given to you when signed up then all of the ones you created will take that same password. The email address you need to know in order to reset the password for ALL of them is that first one.



Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 14

Just to add I have included a mobile phone number and alternate email address in my Personal Information but am still worried about any changes that will affect my husbands access to the master account


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 7 of 14

Hi Ady


Thank you for responding but I am not sure that I understand.


We have a master account which manages 3 mailboxes. One of these is for the master account itself. I have included this address in the Private Notes part of the Personal Information of my profile. This account is used by my husband and there are no problems with this and he can access it OK.


Of the other two mailboxes, one is unused and is redundant.

The other mailbox is the one I use. I have also included this address in my personal information.


These email addresses have always had different passwords. The master address does have a mobile number and alternate email address  set up. 


When my password stopped working last Friday (2nd August) we did end up changing the password on the master account (the one my husband uses) but this did not help at all with my account. I have tried logging in to my account using the password for the master account but this does not work either.


Am I misunderstanding the situation here? We also have aliases for each email address. I.e. my address is of the form but the alias I use is of the form

Sorry if that last bit is irrelevant but I am simply confused when you say that the others take their password from the primary email when we have always had different ones.


Message 8 of 14

You can only change the password with the primary/main address. The others all take their password from the primary. Once you identify the primary and send me the address along with an alternate email address and mobile number to use for password reset tool I'll be able to update it for you. 



Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 14

On Saturday I thought I would see if I could resolve this using the Live Chat help accessed from My Account. Well that is a Saturday morning of my life I will not get back! After nearly two hours chatting with three of their "experts" we were nowhere near solving this issue. I don't think the people answering the chats understand the pipex accounts as they did not seem able to grasp the problem at all.


So I think you guys are my only hope here.


It would seem I did not set up alternative restore information with my account. My bad, but I honestly thought I had. Hence when I try to reset my password the link is always being sent to the email account I cannot access.


When I use My Account this takes us to the details of the master account. This is the account used by my husband and it is perfectly OK. He can access this and we don't need to change anything on those details. However, my email is one of the child accounts (address in the Personal Information of my profile here). I somehow need to be able to attach restore details to that account I think.


Can you help with this, please?


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 10 of 14

So to summarise, I cannot access my email at all even by web mail.

It would appear I did not attach an alternate email address or mobile number with my account (I really thought I had.)

So when I attempt to reset my password the only place that a link is being sent to is my email address. Which I can't access!


Is there any way out of this?


And is there any way of knowing how this happened in the first place? The password must have been OK until yesterday as I could use email on all my devices until then and I certainly haven't tried changing it until this problem came up.


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 14

For reasons I am at a loss to understand, since going through the "Link Your account" dialog when logging in to these community pages I am now unable to login using my old account. Therefore I have created a new one with a similar name. But I am the same person who started this thread


Team Player
Private Message
Message 12 of 14

I did try to reset my password using the parent address ( rather than the alias I usually use ( but unfortunately this only gave me the option of receiving the reset link be email. I cannot access my email I was hoping to get a reset link to my mobile number, which I thought was registered

J Horner

Support Team
Private Message
Message 13 of 14

Hi Jhorner, Pipex mail worked with parent and child addresses. You need to remember the master email address and reset the password for that address. If you try and change the password using one of the child addresses you get the error message you are currently seeing. 



Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.