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on 19-02-2025 05:45 PM
It is back with a vengeance, upwards of 12 to 20 spam emails inundating my Inbox. After a respite from the bad (very bad) old days when it came in the dozens or more, the TalkTalk floodgates for spam are open wide once more. WHY? Are there no security filters identifying malicious invaders and blocking them in your servers? What has happened to allow open season with us defenceless TalkTalk webmail users as targets? Rubbish they may be and only an idiot would click on anything, but still a daily nuisance, time-consuming and dangerous. WHY?
on 20-02-2025 07:04 AM
Hi jeanrees0723, I'm sorry you're getting lots of spam. It happens fairly regularly now. Hopefully, OpenXchange will get a handle on it with their antivirus and anti spam tools.
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