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Stopped receiving some e mails

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 5


Suddenly I have stopped receiving  legitimate order/account  e mails from Vodafone and  Marks and Spencer.  E  mails from other companies and individuals  are coming through with no problems.

I have checked on both my phone and laptops as well as checking on Talktalk web mail and they simply aren't their, needless to say the companies concerned are adamant that they have been sent and indeed re-sent them to no avail .

Anybody any any ideas what is going on or how to resolve the problem.




Support Team
Private Message
Message 1 of 5

Hi Gary, I've run the 7 day scan on all the domains. In each case we've seen many mails accepted with 1 or 2 rejected. We're not blocking mail from those domains on a wholesale basis.



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Message 2 of 5

Good to know you've checked the online mailbox and confirm the Spam folder was empty and that you have no Rules defined to divert mail from your Inbox.


So TalkTalk could be rejecting the mail but that seems unlikely for both Vodafone and Marks and Spencer that will be sending out many thousands of mail messages each day. Or your mailbox had problems accepting mail and your email address is on their respective stop send lists. For certain mailings both do use Amazon's SES Mail for sending and this does use a suppression list to apply a stop send if your mailbox happens to be unavailable for delivery.


I'll ask TalkTalk to check your mailbox for inbound mail but heads up that this is only going to be a report covering the 7 days prior to the check. So, if necessary you'd need to get both to try resending mail.  The domains to check will be and and


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GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 3 of 5


There was nothing in Spam on either the pc client or web mail and only expected deleted mail in junk/trash. I  hadn't set any  mail rules and as expected the web mail said no rules present.

So these mails haven't reached me but have been stopped somewhere on the Internet outside my control (I  even tried re-booting the router in case there was some weird kind of IP address blocking issue).

Where on earth does one go to get this kind of issue resolved?  Trying to find someone in these organisations who is IT literate and won't  just try to fob me off with  the usual "check your Spam folders"  is going to be a nightmare and I  really don't want to set up a new e mail account just for these companies.

Any thoughts on what to do next?



Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 5

Both Vodafone and Marks and Spencer send fully authenticated mail so the mail should be delivered to your Inbox. However, have a look in your Spam folder to make sure the mail messages aren't there.


Then check the online mailbox via the TalkTalk Mail webmail sign in to make sure you have no Rules defined that might be diverting messages.


Select here: Sign in to TalkTalk Mail

Enter your email address and password, select Sign in.


Check the  Inbox first and then check  Spam and  Trash folders for mail messages that may have been diverted from the Inbox. Bear in mind the spam and trash folders normally contain mail not older than 30 days.


Mail not reaching the Inbox could mean there's a Filter rule that's diverting, discarding or blocking mail.

  • Select the Main settings menu cog icon      top right on the blue header
  • Select All settings, or if using a mobile browser it's Menu then the cog icon for Settings
  • Select Mail and scroll down to Rules
    Select the chevron icon > to see all defined Rules
    If there's no rule defined, that's perfect
  • To delete a Filter rule including any Auto forward
    select the X icon to the right of the rule
    The icon background will turn red  X
  • To confirm you really want to delete this Filter rule
    Select the blue Delete button

In relation to the mail senders there is nothing obvious in common to Vodafone and Marks and Spencer. This would suggest the issue is with your mailbox / email address.


However, both of them do use different mail services that each operate global suppression lists - so if your email address ends up on those lists then the senders would cease sending mail to you even if the originators believe they have mail outgoing. Sometimes unsubscribing from some mailshots with each of these companies ends up putting your email address on their global suppression list.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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