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Talktalk emails not being received by sky

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 7 of 7

Only in the last 3 days, our emails to friends with emails are not receiving them. We receive their emails to us. Everybody else receives our emails. It’s just sky. We have changed nothing on iPhone or iPad or main computer. 


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 7

I have the same problem and with @yahoo


Message 2 of 7

Hi all, networks have confirmed that Yahoo/Sky are deferring or blocking TalkTalk emails due to unexpected volume or customer complaints. Our network team have reported it to them, but customers of sky yahoo would be wise to report the issue to them so that they can adjust the filters to compensate. 



Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.

Message 3 of 7

@MarionW1, it's best if you return to the message board and start a new thread for yourself. Click on start a topic to get going.


That way this issue will gain more attention. 



Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 7

I also have the same problem with emails not being received by family members who have Sky email accounts.  Emails are being received by those with other email accounts.


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 7

Thanks for advice. 


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 7

Hi @Aud88# it could be that sky have an issue?

Regardless your post has been escalated and you should hear on Monday when the team return to work.

Your second post has been moved aside so that one thread only is being dealt with.

I'm not an iPhone user but have they recently updated their operating system which I recall may have had some issues?


As a stop gap you could even create a new, non Talktalk email address which should get you back in touch with your friends.

I don't work here and all my opinions are my own.