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Talktalk mail plus shambles

Private Message
Message 13 of 13

Can someone  help with the mail plus shambles

i have 5 talktalk email addresses some work some don’t …….about to jump off a cliff


Message 1 of 13

I've checked and it seems my colleague didn't get chance to do these yet. I've asked him to restore them today. 



Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.

Message 2 of 13

Hi thanks for your help but the email address  is still not working can you check this one again please 


cheers tdarcy


Message 3 of 13

Hi Twjdarcy, I've raised the 2 mailboxes that are limited to be restored to full function.



Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.

Message 4 of 13

Thanks for updating the Community profile. The request to restore mailboxes to full access is in. TalkTalk Support will respond here asap from Tuesday onwards.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 5 of 13

All filled in I think ….thanks for your help


Message 6 of 13

Not being able to login to a MailPlus MyAccount is a long standing unfixed issue related to the MyAccount protection process not allowing changes to a MyAccount login when using a non-TalkTalk IP address. It's unrelated to the current issue of your mailboxes being limited to webmail only as a last resort action to stop the use of insecure settings.


The good news is that your i-devices are capable of secure mail. Guides below for you to double check.


I'll request TalkTalk Support to restore full access. You'll need to put the email addresses needing attention in the Community profile Private notes box so TalkTalk can pick those up.


Prepare for TalkTalk Support - include in the Community Profile (not in these public posts):

MailPlus account holder name

Alternative mobile contact number. Full address with postcode (in the Location box)

Scroll down to Private notes to add the email addresses needing restoring to full access and the MailPlus MyAccount account number

Check and Save changes

Select here: Update your profile


The TalkTalk Mail Support Hub is your go to resource for information, guides and Community support for TalkTalk Consumer home broadband and MailPlus subscribers.


Select here:
TalkTalk Mail Support


TalkTalk Mail help

Email settings and device setup guides for TalkTalk Mail

Setting up TalkTalk email on iPhone

Setting up TalkTalk email on iPad

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 7 of 13

Also can’t seem to connect to the mail plus account 🤦


Message 8 of 13

Latest iOS on iPhone 13 and iPad Pro 16.1.2

have checked all settings and are as per the settings described by talktalk secure ssl etc. but I think some have been blocked since around mid January .

ps thanks for the assistance so far


Message 9 of 13

They all work via web mail, it is when added to iPad / iPhone .

all software very up to date . If an imap email is now blocked due to insecure settings how do I get it unblocked ?

spent 2 hours on phone earlier with no success 


Message 10 of 13

Do you see a notification email from TalkTalk about continued use of insecure settings?


TalkTalk will notify you in advance of TalkTalk Mail being limited to webmail only access if:


  • You're not a TalkTalk Consumer home broadband customer or MailPlus subscriber
    Or the mailbox address is not added to an active customer MyAccount
  • Any device email software, email app, or mail collection service connects to your mailbox using insecure settings
    Secure mail connections to your mailbox must all be made using a minimum of TLS 1.2 encryption security and sign in using the email address and email password
  • There's continued use of out of date email software, operating system or legacy email settings
    We can advise on device and software compatibility and provide customer setup guides


What model iPhone and what model iPad? What iOS Operating systems are each running? 


And are you using any other services or devices to access the mailboxes? Desktop, notebook, laptop, other tablet or phone? All must use secure settings.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Private Message
Message 11 of 13

Yes they all work via web mail, it’s when added to iPhone / iPad


Private Message TalkTalk
Message 12 of 13



Do they work via webmail?


Select here: Sign in to TalkTalk Mail

Enter your full TalkTalk Mail email address and password, select Sign in. Test sending and receiving by composing and sending a test message to and wait for an auto response in the Inbox. Sign out using the sign out icon top right before trying another email address.


If some don't work via an email client or email app then those mailboxes may have been limited to webmail only as a last resort action to stop the use of insecure mail settings. Do you see a notification email from TalkTalk about continued use of insecure settings?


So, tell us what devices or mail services you use for email. What Operating system and what email software and version number.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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