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GFast 150 Combined Modem & Router

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 7 of 7

Hi all


Does anyone know of a combined WiFi router / modem unit that will work successfully with TalkTalk GFast150?


I've had my service since forever and apart from the "Internet" LED seemingly having failed on my Openreach modem all is fine. I'm just trying to reduce the wires and plugs in my lounge and having one unit instead of two would work well for me.


Message 1 of 7

I concur I bought a backup one by mistake from said area, managed to return and get money back. You can unlock them but it’s a pain easier to just to find an unlocked one. I bought a second hand one unlocked and put all my current settings in from my Main ZYXEL. So ready to install within few mins if my main /modem router goes down. Far easier that getting a new Gateway modem from scratch and setting it all up.

I have 2 other  routers linked to this ZYXEL (so 3 routers total in my system). I`ve never had a problem ever since installing it I can never say that about TT free routers. You get what you pay for and do not get headaches from the kids when the system goes down as us Dads it’s always our fault no internet



Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 7

I use a XMG3927-B50A  on gfast 150 , it excelent . But if you look on ebay make sure it NOT from the HULL area, the are locked to KCOM.


Message 3 of 7

Just to let you know I`ve been using this said ZYXEL router a few years now. I gave up using the free TT one and give it 10 out 10. Had no problems with it in my system. Its never let me down


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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 7

Many thanks @bigkenny . I'm going to be having a chat with retentions about the price I'm paying and if that call is successful I'll get one via Ebay and see what unfolds.


Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 7

Yes a ZYXEL router version XMG3927-B50A is GFast ready and works on TalkTalk. The only thing is might not be available anymore so will have to look around. Caution: do not get one that is Locked down

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