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Help me contact someone that can actually help with Openreach GFast fault

Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 85 of 85

Really suffering trying to deal with the TalkTalk support staff through the regular process with my fault. Is there any TalkTalk staff here that can actually put me in touch with someone that understands GFast and the Openreach faults process outside of the typical TalkTalk scripted workflow that seems to breakdown entirely with more complex issues?


For the last 2.5 years I have had a GFast service, previously with another ISP but 6 months ago I migrated this to TalkTalk. The copper distance between my master socket and the PCP cabinet where the GFast kit is installed is approx 30Meters and up until the 25/26th August my max sync rate with the cab in Openreach own data proved to me by Openreach install as well as engineer fault visits was around 600Mbps but capped at 330Mbps in line with the maximum profile Openreach allow customers to order. Nice short reliable line. Everything should be great. 


Unfortunately we recently suffered two prolonged 10-12 hour outages (that impacted not just me but also my neighbours using  with other ISPs) and since the second of these around 25/26 august my line will not sync at its previous speeds and has dropped and will no longer sync above 250Mbps, less than half of the original capability and 80Mbps less than I was previously getting at the 330 artificial profile cap.

I’ve raised faults through the normal processes and Openreach have now attended twice to try and resolve, both times confirming that there is an issue not just with my port, but the spare ports on the GFast kit in the cab as well which also will no longer sync at expected speeds, suggesting the entire card, or physical connector to the copper pairs is now faulty (perhaps damaged when swapping a faulty card after the outages?).

On the second visit the OR engineer finally raised an internal LLUMS case to have an additional card installed (there is actually a spare card but this has also been marked as faulty) so that they could try and shift me to a new non-faulty port to try and fix the issues. Happy days.  However, through the normal TalkTalk support process the fault tickets just keep getting closed as everything according to TalkTalk is working fine and the outcome from the Engineer visits requiring the new card and port shift is ignored. Leaving me the choice of going back at the start of the scripted troubleshooting process again to get the fault re-raised! A waste of everyone’s time!

How can I deal with someone within TalkTalk who can actually chase down a resolution to the LLUMS case with Openreach, resolve my fault properly and restore my service back to how it was working for the last 2.5 years before these outages? I do not feel considering this is confirmed as an Openreach problem that this is unreasonable? I don’t feel the community is the right place for this but even having ‘escalated’ these faults I do not feel that the ‘senior managers in support’ that only make outbound calls are actually any better than a normal script follower?


Thanks in Advance


Message 1 of 85

Hi @coop3r 


Thanks for letting me know and apologies for the delays.


If you do experience any further issues then please let us know.


Thanks again.




Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 85

Hi @Debbie-TalkTalk 


None of myself or my neighbours seem to have had any issues since Openreach resolved the ‘Power’ issues. Bit disappointing that it took them so long to turn it off and on again but all seems to be working again for now. 
Many thanks again for looking at this for us.

Message 3 of 85

Hi @coop3r 


How's the connection been since your last post?


Message 4 of 85

Morning @coop3r 


Sorry for the delay.


Openreach have closed the fault with this closure code - Openreach Power - Power Protection Components


Please can you monitor the connection over the next couple of days and let us know how you get on.




Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 85

An engineer came out Saturday PM to the cab but wasnt able to resolve the issue, however all of us, myself and my neighbours, seem to have come back online about 11.40PM last night.

Great as this is it would be good to know what was done to resolve this? Did someone replace the card late last night or did it take over 24 hours just for someone to do a remote card reset etc? If someone can report back on this it would be appreciated to keep a track of the history of all the issues with the DSLAM. Thanks


Message 6 of 85

Forum staff are not on here at weekends, @coop3r, but I will re-escalate the thread in case anything further is needed on Monday. 


Let us know if it is resolved meanwhile. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 7 of 85


Hi Debbie, sorry to report that my service has gone down again today and I have another fault raised now. I would follow the normal fault journey however I understand that other neighbours from both TalkTalk and other ISPs on the GFast DSLAM are all offline again so wanted to raise it here as I suspect we are going to have a similar circus to the last time trying to get this resolved.

Can you please pick up and monitor the fault to see if its another case of needing to push for an eingeero to address the DSLAM rather than an individual line fault?

Many Thanks


Message 8 of 85

Hi coop3r


I'm so glad to hear that the fault has finally been resolved 🙂


If you do experience any further issues then you know where I am 🙂  Hopefully it will last longer than 2.5 years.


I have sent you a Private Message with a link to a short survey for the Community.


Thanks again.




Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 85

Hi Debbie,

Everything still working fine for me and speeds remained high as it always was since the profile reset, I believe my neighbours issue is now fixed as well for for now, although not exactly sure what fixed it for them as the engineer wasnt very chatty when I saw him this time 🙂

Hopeful another 2.5 years at least before the next problem! Thanks again.

Message 10 of 85

Hi coop3r


How's the connection been over the weekend?


Message 11 of 85

Hi coop3r


Brilliant 🙂


I will check in again with you next week.


I'll also keep an eye out for neighbours thread. If you know their username please let me know.




Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 12 of 85

I’ve sent them the link to this thread so hopefully you can help.

I’ll keep an eye on my own issues and will come back if things still continue to be problematic, but otherwise many thanks with your help getting this resolved to this point!

Message 13 of 85

Hi coop3r


I'm so glad to hear that the speed has increased 🙂


Yes please ask your neighbour to post on the Community and I will pick this up for them too.


Thanks again.

Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 14 of 85

Hi Debbie,

Openreach engineer just left. His tester showed we were connected at 160/30 with a huge SNR so I asked for a profile reset. This has put us back to 330/50 with a max rate of 585 and still a significant noise margin. So for the time being this seems to have solved our issues.

However the neighbour still having problems on this DSLAM is also a TalkTalk customer so I am going to send them a link to this thread to see if you can help pick up their fault? My understanding is they have had no service since yesterday since the lift and shift was attempted

Message 15 of 85

Hi coop3r


Ok thank you. Please let me know how you get on, I will also check the engineers notes.


Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 16 of 85

Hi Debbie,


Yes that information is for another neighbour so there are at least 3 of us I am aware of now with ongoing fault and two of us that still have some kind of issue still since the DSLAM work earlier in the week. (Not checked with number 3)
Will know more and report back once the OR engineer has visited again for my fault this morning. 


Message 17 of 85

Hi coop3r


That's disappointing if the original fault is not resolved. Was this your neighbours fault?


Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 18 of 85

Obviously going to wait for my own engineer visit tomorrow and trying to to jump to any conclusions, but just for wider context another OR engineer was out today dealing with a GFast fault for yet another property that should have a solid 330 sync but is struggling with dropouts and intermittency which has persisted beyond the engineer leaving this morning and continued to drop out this afternoon.

This engineer raised another LLUMS case against the kit and he thinks this does suggest the original issue with the DSLAM is ongoing but lets see what my own engineer says again tomorrow morning…..


Message 19 of 85

Hi coop3r


Thanks for your reply.


I have arranged the engineer visit for 13/10 AM (8am - 1pm)


I will check in with you again after the engineer visit tomorrow.



Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 20 of 85

Hi Debbie,

We’ll take whatever the earliest available appointment is, so if thats PM then we’ll take PM, if it’s AM then we will take an AM slot. If it makes no difference to how quickly then we will take AM.

Many Thanks