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on 16-09-2023 10:33 PM
I am an existing talktalk customer and i have misplaced my router when moving house. An engineer is due to come and install fiber 35 on Firday, will I get a new router through the post before hand?
on 18-09-2023 11:38 AM
Hi NigeG
Thanks for confirming your details.
Your should receive a new router before your Go Live date, however if this does not arrive then I will need to order this for you once the order has fully completed.
on 18-09-2023 07:28 AM
Hi NigeG
Sorry for the delay.
I'm just sending you a Private Message to confirm some details so I can take a look at this for you.
on 17-09-2023 01:08 PM
I have now updated the information, thankyou for your help.
on 17-09-2023 08:19 AM
Make sure that you put your landline number in the profile, @NigeG. Your avatar isn't indicating that the personal information details are completed.
It really will save time on Monday if that is already done.
on 16-09-2023 11:05 PM
They always say a router is included with the package but it is only replaced when it's faulty, not with every new contract.
Wait for staff to reach this on Monday - if you get one ordered through Chat, it will have added postage. Staff may be able to see if there's a router already winging it's way to you, but Monday should still be adequate time.
on 16-09-2023 10:50 PM
I think the property needs a new line installing, and I believe I have upgraded and I thought it said a router is part of the package. I will update my personnel info like you say and go from there. Thankyou.
on 16-09-2023 10:44 PM
Not usually, @NigeG.
And unless a new line is actually being put in, the engineer wouldn't normally come to the house. Have you been told to expect otherwise?
You are getting FTTC, so the last bit is ordinary copper.
Complete your community forum profile details for TT staff to identify your account. Add your landline phone number in Personal Information by going via your avatar/name; settings. SAVE CHANGES.
Staff are not back on here before Monday, but if they order a new router for you, it is likely to reach you in time.
Add your new address in Private Notes, at the end of Personal Information. SAVE CHANGES.