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City fibre - talktalk confusion

Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 4

I have been getting txts from talktalk. like this

Hi its talktalk we're upgrading your home to full fibre 150 with digital voice free of charge - it carries on saying our partner city fibre will arrive at a certain date.


Been ongoing for a couple of weeks and I have spoken to a city fibre agent and explained that I am coming out of contract in a couple of weeks and first need to negotiate a new one with talktalk.

So I have just come off talktalk chat and they said that 150 is not available and can only offer what I am on now fibre 65.

I told them talktalk have been offering it to me for 2 weeks via txt and also in an email but they still insist that they can only offer me fibre 65 and I have to contact city fibre to ask how much 150 would be --

Now then - via the chat I have negotiated a new fibre 65 contract at £24 a month I was paying £30 ( with an unlimited calls boos that I dont need now )

So are city fibre saying my 150 upgrade is free of charge based on what I am paying now £30 and what will happen if I take out the new contract at £24 -- I dont trust either of them to do the 150 install and then not charge me more

Also the email i have from talktalk telling me my options - one of them was 150 fibre for £28 -So I am thinking if I re contract the 65fibre at £24 - then get city fibre to do the free upgrade to 150 --- EH have i got that wrong and it wont wont work like that


Message 1 of 4

Thank you so much for your help.

I keep trying to explain that to the city fibre people and all they seem to be interested in is fitting full 150 for free asap. They must get bonuses from talktalk. My fear is that by the time the upgrade is booked in my contract will be up in 1 week then I will be having to negotiate a possibly high contract price for something I got for free last week.   


I think as you say the best option is to go for the good offer to renew fibre 65 and then see what happens, if they still want to give me the 150 upgrade for free.

The thing with the free 150 upgrade I think is reading on this forum that everyone seems to be getting offered it as part of a push to get rid of all copper. Lets see if they are as keen to keep pestering me to upgrade when I am only paying £24. Its not pestering but as its a benefit to me but it feels like pestering.

Message 2 of 4

The free upgrade offer must be part of the current contract (so you'd be on the old fees till the end of the contract but then have to pay full price out of contract or fix up a new contract with Ts&Cs for the up and running FTTP).


It sounds as though their systems do not allow you to first renew, then apply the free upgrade offer.


You could renew at the good Fibre65 price in the hope that they offer the upgrade again, but it's in their gift whether they do so or not.


Those free upgrades will be part of what suits Talktalk and the roll out at the time, @Marvel.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 4

Any ideas any one please. I dont understand why the talktalk chat agent could not offer a full fibre 150 contract.Yet I am getting sent offers from talktalk for exactly that. And why was the chat agent telling me to contact city fibre as they are not the supplier - just the fitters.

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