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on 13-12-2024 01:54 AM
Why can I still not get digital voice with full fibre after all this time I think this to be extremely important since the copper line switch off will be soon. It is also taking the mikey as I am out of contract paying extreme prices waiting for this to happen.
on 15-12-2024 02:25 PM
There's not, @NebulaUK_.
on 15-12-2024 01:45 PM
No but there should be an option to do it online should there not?
on 14-12-2024 04:04 PM
Have you been in touch with customer services directly as Michelle suggested? They can tell you what options are available to you.
on 14-12-2024 03:36 PM
I have full fibre but the partway upgrade where I still have the landline on copper and a fibre connection. I want the full upgrade with Digital Voice to move the landline side to copper before the switch off but there's no way to get it.
on 13-12-2024 08:48 AM
@NebulaUK_, you might as well take out a new contract for your current package - Talktalk should let you know when Full Fibre is available anyway and you can upgrade at that stage.
If full fibre is available already in your area, Talktalk may not yet have a deal with City Fibre / Openreach there yet as there tends to be one dominating company when the infrastructure is first installed and it takes a while to roll out with other ISPs.
on 13-12-2024 07:52 AM
Hi @NebulaUK_ as Talktalk only used networks provided by other companies you might be better of questioning Ofcom about why your area currently has no fibre. Whilst there is no viable alternative to fibre in your location copper will persist.
on 13-12-2024 07:52 AM
Good morning,
Do you currently have Full Fibre at the moment? It would be worth speaking to our Loyalty Team directly to see if they are able to add this for you.