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Full fibre - non delivery

Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 108 of 108

On March 20 I signed up to upgrade to fibre 150. Apart from the contract, I have heard nil.

therefore in a panic I contacted customer services via the BOt. After an hour I was told that the Open reach are booked for tomorrow (18thApril) being the second closest day availability. However, they confirmed that my fears 5hat no equipment had been router or voice adapter , as promised.

i was told to phone the delivery team...who took a further hour to confirm what I had already been told! Whilst awaiting transfer to a further department I was cut off, having waited a further 20 minutes I called back to start the process all over. After about a further 30 minutes we agreed that there was no order!

i now have to wait whilst an investigation is launched as to why it all went wrong! Apart from the 2 and a half hours I spent on the phone and online. Fortunately, I have hopefully saved Openreach a wasted journey.

my stress levels are past extremely high, [on medication for heart]? Have had to cancel all arrangements made to fit in this appointment, like my wife having to stay with friends due to any loud noises drilling etc makes.

the whole situation is a mess! 

I have been loyal to TT for a great many years and this is the way loyalty is treated?

finally, I have had to log in as a new member, because my old user name is only 4 digits long and no longer recognised, although the system still greats me with it!


107 REPLIES 107

Anonymous User
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Message 41 of 108

 you get power trips on here dont you fergie  ???


Anonymous User
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Message 42 of 108

 yOU ARE PLAYING HIM SUNNY fake creature you are


Anonymous User
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Message 43 of 108

 Walk away from this  company  it will suck the life out of you They do not CARE if you cant get broadband get a min huub fromm EE fo free from BT. Talk talk wll die soon everyone's leaving for a social tariff  tthey are  emotionally abusive to  you


Anonymous User
Not applicable
Private Message
Message 44 of 108

Talk talk are ABHORRENT DETESTABLE EXECRABLE and even if you offered me this service for free there are far better standards of company's out there who actually care. Talk talk is not Fit for purpose. and you are paid to support the side of talk talk Shame on you you are a fake


Anonymous User
Not applicable
Private Message
Message 45 of 108

Talk talk are ABHORRENT DETESTABLE EXECRABLE and even if you offered me this service for free there are far better standards of company's out there who actually care. Talk talk is not Fit for purpose.


Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 46 of 108

To Chris,

at least they have offered the year!!!


to Ferguson, so sorry head master, have I offended you again!

it is all well and good to pontificate your thoughts, but I am at the end of the line, at the end of my tether, and I am determined to keep this thread open, for the other less vocal members view for themselves the utter mess that this has turned out to be. No amount of “I am sorry, or we understand your frustration “,

will soothe my troubled brow! See I can write without using far!

day 84

soon to be day 104


Message 47 of 108

Hi MrA4d,


There was an update at 6pm last night, it's not good news I'm afraid - The Civils work hasn't been scheduled yet because they are still waiting to receive the other estimates for the fibre works.  The next review will be on 04/07/23. 


I can only apologies, I know it must be incredibly frustrating. I'll keep an eye on it and let you know if there are any developments in the meantime



Message 48 of 108

Hey, have you heard that old adage: don't shoot the messenger? And surely not repeatedly?


I do sympathise with your frustration. But honestly, TalkTalk cannot deliver a service to you over fresh air. If only, that would be nice. So you need to wait for the slow moving behemoth which is Openreach to sort out the necessary infrastructure for you. All that TalkTalk can do is keep you posted, as they are doing.


Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 49 of 108

Dear diary

today 13 June promised 83

to recall

day 1 ...March 22...fttp ordered

day27...April 18 no connection, no fttp

day 29... April 20... new order started

days 35/36/37....April26,27,28.....Open Reach visits..(no mention of any purported problems 

day 55 ...May 16......promised connection.....still no Fttp

day 62......23 May.....Open Reach review report due....still no Fttp

day 83.......13 June....Open Reach 2nd review report due......still no word and still no  fttp, as above.


Day 84 ... 14 June..................... ?????????????     Who knows?




Message 50 of 108

I'm sorry it's taking so long, there's still no update but I'll check again later



Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 51 of 108

Thanks for the lack of news!

i read somewhere that if I connected my iPad to a potato and stood on a lump of coal, **, my broadband speed would increase! The only problem is finding a lump of coal!!!!

Perhaps I should wait for an update from Open Reach before they cut off the copper cable in 2025?.?.


** please don’t try this at home.


Message 52 of 108

Hi MrA4d,


No further updates yet so I'll check again later



Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 53 of 108

80 th day today and I am getting really excited! Only 3 more days until I get a review???

Will I hear anything then.....? Another month maybe...or even longer?

can anyone tell me if there is a GUINNESS WORLD RECORD for waiting for Future Fibre?



Message 54 of 108



We're still continuing to monitor this and have been advised that the next review is due on 13/06 so we will re-check again on this date and hopefully we'll have more to share then. I'm really sorry that this has been ongoing for a while now. 





Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 55 of 108

76th day today! What do I have to show for it? Some Open Reach painted arrows on my property and a great many ‘sorry’ , ‘we understand your frustration’ messages. BUT STILL NO CONNECTION TO FULL FIBRE.

it was interesting to draw certain parallels with a post from yesterday!

i would be interested to know if my COMPLAINT Is still open? 

How does one get it escalated to the CEO”’s office? Or is that a waste of time?

surely someone has the power to call OR to account for delays?

i will post my full tale on this whole subject dating back to Spring 2022 later 


Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 56 of 108

thank you for your reply., on day 69.

i am confused as to why OR doesn’t expand on statements such as ‘waiting for estimates’, for what? Neither do they explain what ‘issues’ they refer to?

on May 16 they informed you that they would review on 23May, which was then pushed back to be reviewed 14 June.

so no one can query what is actually going on.  In other words TT cannot question and query delays in any great detail from OR? Let us not forget that OR is TT contractor, and as such should be offered sufficient information to respond to their own customers? Perhaps they need reminding that OR are phasing out our copper lines by 2025 at the latest?


Message 57 of 108

Hi MrA4d


Apologies. Unfortunately we don't have access to this information and are advised to keep checking back for updates on this.





Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 58 of 108

So as said before , I have the update, which mentioned a review by OR on 23 May,. The report from that was they were waiting for ‘estimates’????? A review will take place on 13 June and the issue has been escalated. I will let you look up the word escalated! 

Todays update informs me that there is “an issue”  , can some one tell me what is meant in the telephonic world what do they mean? I would be please to know that this matter will be reviewed (s above...on 13 June!!!!!!

however, it has been escalated.

in other words ....nothing is different and the same old blather of excuses keep rolling out,but no one from OR will explain to us simple laymen?

on my estate one household has been informed via his ISP that their wait has reached level 2 of escalation!!! Whilst another has been told that their connection date is September. That’s what I call Future will get it in the future, but we don’t know when?

i cannot wait until June 14 when I told the result of the review! If I am told?


Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 59 of 108

i have no news! However, it has been suggested that I now erect 2 plaques on the OR arrows outside my property.

one would say.. “On this spot on 18 April 2023 nothing happened”! Dedicated to TT and OR.

the other plaque would read “On this spot on May16th 2023 nothing happened either”. Also dedicated to TT and OR.

If there any developments to this saga, I will post! Even though I had a text from TT informing me that they are working hard in the background!


Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 60 of 108

I have just received the attached text. The date is now 14 June for. A review!

this now makes it a further wait of 29 days from my second failed connection date! is this a record ?

now I know what FUTURE FIBRE means!Received Thursday  25 MayReceived Thursday 25 May

Anonymous User