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Help! I've been an Idiot!

First Timer
Private Message
Message 4 of 4

Have been a complete numpty and now have an issue entirely of my own making and a lesson in think before acting. Cityfibre installed future fibre 150 last Wednesday and got the email to say it was live on Friday, tried setting up the eero6 but couldn't. This was due to (as I now know but didn't at the time) an issue of a missing external IP address that occurs with some cityfibre installations. My brilliant (not) idea at the time, was to connect the eero6 to my existing hub (non talktalk copper all the way ASDL) 

1. To check that the eero6 was working 

2. To see if it could be set up that way 

You've guessed it eero6 working and set up. Then discovered the error of my ways and what the actual issue was, that issue has been resolved and I have functioning internet. Performed a hard reset of the eero6 to enable me to set it up again correctly. It will go through the set up as far as naming and setting password but won't go further says there is an issue and to check connections. Think the problem is that the eero6 is now registered to the other ISP. If this is the case is there any way to resolve this and set it up correctly?


First Timer
Private Message
Message 1 of 4

Issue resolved, ethernet cable supplied with the eero was duff


First Timer
Private Message
Message 2 of 4

Get where you are coming from and thought similar re eero being locked. Have plugged another device directly into the ethernet port on the ONT and it works perfectly 


Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 4

Pretty sure the Eero from TT is locked to TT. TT use DHCP for the WAN connection so its nothing to do with internal authentication etc. That said a full factory reset should allow you to reconfigure. There could still be an issue with your fibre service if its failing to connect.


Just as a check, and what you should have done rather than use your Eero, is to plug a laptop or computer directly in to the ONT. This would have proven whether the internet service was live or otherwise. I suggest checking that now so you can feed back to TT when they pick up this query.


Only TT will be able to confirm your issue with the Eero.