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I received my new eero6 for VOIP, that should have switched over on 18/03/25. I removed the old eero6 and replaced it with the new one, but it got stuck on the blue flashing light.
Is there something I need to do to get it to connect properly?
Also, why do I need a new eero6, won't the existing one do the job?
Forgive me, but I am more confused. Your iPhone should connect to the eero via WiFi, not Bluetooth. And that is not the same thing as a VOiP connection.
blue flashing light is on the eero6. Obviously I need that to connect before the VOIP adaptor will connect.
The blue flashing light indicates that the Eero is in pairing mode, but it doesn't see my iPhone. Blue tooth is on, and I've tried turning it on and off again.
The eero alone will not provide a VoIP service, it requires a Digital Voice Adapter also, but from what you say about the blue flashing light you may in fact be referring to that? Can you just clarify, please?