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on 30-07-2023 10:00 AM
A few weeks ago I tried to log into my Eon Energy account to give a meter reading. It wouldn't let me log in, nor would it let me reset my password. After a couple of days discussing this with Eon support I tried it on my phone with the wireless turned off. It worked first time.
So, I explored further. After a while I discovered it was the 'Homesafe' settings. If I turned off scam protection it worked, but wouldn't work with this turned off. I'm good at avoiding scams anyway, so I was OK with turning this off.
Until yesterday, when I tried to submit another meter reading. Again it wouldn';t let me log in or reset my password. I've had a check and no changes to settings work, but using my phone with wifi turned off works.
It's only this one website so far, I've not seen this with any others, but it's inconvenient at best. Has anyone else come across this and have any work-arounds?
on 14-09-2023 12:00 PM
Hi Seppen
If you don't have a spare router then please let me know and I can send one for testing.
Thanks again.
on 14-09-2023 10:58 AM
The scam protection and virus alerts parts of HomeSafe were switched on. I've switched them both off again and retried. Still won't work. I'll switch them on in half an hour or so and retry. I might have a different router lying around to try, not sure. I'd have to look through several boxes of old computer stuff to check. I can't switch router right now anyway, I'm supposed to be working so need my internet connection switched on for now. I'll maybe try later on if I have time. I'll reset the router again this evening at least.
on 14-09-2023 10:47 AM
Hi Seppen
Thanks for your reply.
Could you try switching HomeSafe back on one more time and then after 30 minutes switch it back off again?
Have you tested with a different router?
on 14-09-2023 10:43 AM
I've tested this with and without HomeSafe switched on. Initially, switching off HomeSafe fixed the problem but it no longer does.
on 14-09-2023 10:37 AM
Hi Seppen
Just to confirm, has HomeSafe been switched on in My Account?
Has it been switched on and then back off again?
on 14-09-2023 10:29 AM
OK, this is still ongoing. I reset the router, turned it off entirely while I was out for the day, switched it back on when I returned. It worked, I could log into the website. But then the next time I needed to log in to the same website the problem re-occurred. I needed to reset the router again. It works once then fails, so something is sticking in the router blocking this every single time.
And the problem is getting more widespread. I now have exactly the same problem on MoneySavingExpert.com. Won't let me log in unless I reset the router first, although it works fine on my phone through 4G or 5G.
There is something TalkTalk is doing with their anti-phishing stuff, or browsing protection stuff, that's interacting badly with something on these websites. I suspect that they are updating their security to more modern types, 2-factor and stuff, and something in how they are doing this doesn't play nicely with TalkTalk.
on 01-08-2023 10:32 AM
Ok, I'd recommend trying the 30 minute router power down when it's next convenient as this will reset the current session and can sometimes help. If there is no change following this then please let us know.
on 01-08-2023 10:29 AM
I don't think the router has been switched off since it was installed to be honest. I'm mostly trying to log into the Eon website using my desktop, but the app on my phone has exactly the same problem, as does the website on my phone, although both work through 4G on my phone. I had a conversation with Eon support about this a few weeks ago. Their support person reset my password for me and sent it to me, but I still couldn't log in. It's at this point that I thought to try my phone through 4G. I need my router switched on for now because I'm supposed to be working, but I'll try turning it off later when I don't need the connection.
on 01-08-2023 10:22 AM
Ok thanks for confirming. Have you recently tried powering down the router for a full 30 minutes and then retested again as this will clear the current session? Are you trying to log into an App or a website?
on 01-08-2023 10:19 AM
Yes, that's what I mean. I can't get it to log in at all now, or reset my password. Eon website just raises an unstated error every time. If I use my mobile phone it works with wifi switched off so it's using 4G, but won't work through my TalkTalk connection.
The error message my web development tools are showing is as follows:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://api.eonnext-kraken.energy/v1/graphql/. (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing). Status code: 403
on 31-07-2023 07:08 AM
I'm sorry for the delay. Just to confirm, do you mean that it worked when HomeSafe was switched off but now no longer works even when HomeSafe is off?
on 30-07-2023 01:29 PM
I submit my readings to E.ON Next, and no problems at all, on wi-fi on my smartphone, @Seppen.