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very low connection speed

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 16 of 24

My cable was installed last week for full fibre and so far, the speeds I am getting are between 20 and 30 mbps. Initially I used my old router, but I was then sent an eero, which is slightly slower than the old one. I was on the phone to the technical department for over 3 hours, during which they told me that my go live date was the 9th January, but that was only an order date i.e. that I should still be getting the speed for Full Fibre (min. 120 mbs). Is that the case, or is it that I will not get the guaranteed service until it goes live?


Message 22 of 24

Thanks for your reply. I don't have a router, the connection so far is via the phone line, so I just have a modem, which is from Talktalk, but is a couple of years old now, and not sure if it will work with cable. I guess if they don't bring the equipment, they won't be able to install it, but it's not that my equipment hasn't arrived yet, Talktalk haven't sent it.

Message 23 of 24

The engineer will bring the equipment necessary to connect the actual fibre line. They may also bring a router, although possibly not. If they don't, which router do you have presently? As that may well work in the interim. 


In order for the support team to look into this further, make sure that your personal details including TalkTalk phone number or account number are complete on your community profile (click here) so that they can link your forum identity with your account and then wait for them to respond.


Message 24 of 24

My full fibre is due to be installed tomorrow. I haven't received any equipment, nor been told that any equipment is being sent. Will they be able to install it?