Get help with your TalkTalk landline and calling features.
I had broadband and digital phone service installed 25th November for my vulnerable elderly mother.
broadband is ok but no phone line and message that its not registered.
I’ve spent many hours on different calls to different people with no luck in getting it fixed. Each time told to wait 3-5 days. No updates and then another few hours on the phone starting all over again. Been put in priority service due to vulnerability but today told after ages on the chat that system is down and I’ll have to call back. Absolutely disgraceful service. I’m not too tech savvy so don’t know what else to do.
3 hours ago
Good afternoon,
I've now escalated this to our CEO Complaints Team and have asked that this be case managed.
6 hours ago
I received confirmation straight away that they would be picking it up and our Welfare Team have also been included. Hopefully we'll know more shortly. I'll be keeping a eye on this for you too.
6 hours ago
Many thanks Michelle. Let's wait and see what happens if anything from here as this cannot go on any longer. I appreciate your help.
7 hours ago
Hello again,
Thank you for updating the details in your profile. I've escalated this as a priority to our Faults Escalation Team and asked that this is picked up straight away. I'll post back as soon as they reply, however they may also try and contact you directly.
7 hours ago
Thanks for the reply.
Yes the package is Full Fibre service with VOIP as a new contract. I have POA. I will try and navigate back to my avatar details and add those all in and save. Many thanks.
11 hours ago
I'm really sorry to hear this. Please can you add your mum's account number, full name and an alternative contact number to your Community Profile and I will escalate this straight away for you. Please post back here to confirm once these details have been added. Please do not post any personal information on the Community.
@Blakeyems, was this therefore a Full Fibre service with VOIP, for your mother?
Please clarify the exact description of the package and was she already a Talktalk customer, so upgrading, or is she a new Talktalk customer?
Those details will help other customers trying to follow the thread.
Staff will be back on here during the day. It's very important that you complete your own community forum profile and add your mother's details too.
Please go via your avatar; settings; drop down menu.....add your own Talktalk phone number or account number in Personal Information.
Near the end of that section, in Private Notes, add your mother's details, address, phone number and account number. SAVE CHANGES.
Staff need this information to identify her account.
Do you have Power of Attorney / Nominated User status to help her with this? Talktalk staff otherwise prefer to speak directly to the account holder.