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We’ve recently completed our annual review of the most active users on our Community who also have a high number of likes and best answers and we’re pleased to welcome our stars of 2017. Our stars have spent a combined 24901 hours online, with 15429 likes and a whopping 3178 best answers.
So without further ado please meet our new stars for 2017……
Anker joined the community back in 2009 and has provided a huge amount of support to our members. Anker has created over 3,800 posts and has received over 700 likes. He also spends a lot of time providing support in the Home Phone Section.
Bestmanx has been around since 2011 and has been proven to be an invaluable member of our Community. With over 1,400 best answers, 12,500 posts and 3,800 likes, Bestmanx has provided a huge amount of support.
eebdsirhc joined back in 2012 and has created over 11,500 posts, received more than 3,400 likes and has authored 737 best answers. One of the forums most experienced silver surfers, with over 50 years worth of experience in the IT industry.
Ferguson joined the Community back in 2013 and has authored 12,800 posts, 2,700 likes and 451 best answers. You’ll find ferguson helping out in most areas of the Community.
Fr8ys has been around since 2013 and his background includes being a project manager for a dedicated IT system. He is also interested in all things PC and Tech. You’ll mainly find Fry8ys in the TV and Supersafe boards but he also offer support in other areas of the community. To date fr8ys has created 1500 posts, 390 likes and 63 best answers.
Has been a member since 2013, has created over 850 posts and provides a huge amount of support in our TV Section. Fre55die also enjoys technology and motorsport as a spectator.
Gondola is one of our newest stars, support and advice to our members has been amazing. Gondola received great support from our community when first joining so is now helping others in return. Gondola has a background in broadcasting and telecommunications.
Joined in 2015, our only UFO Star has already created 90 posts. You’ll mostly find Joey providing advice and support in the UFO sections of our Community. He is a technical engineer who works in the development and maintenance of industrial IT and machine control systems. He is also one of the original testers of UFO in York and is also a Linux and F1 Fan.
Keith joined the community back in 2014 and has provided a huge amount of support including help guides, to our ADSL and Fibre broadband customers. With over 10,000 posts, 3,400 likes and 281 best answers, Keith is a very active and supportive member of our Community. Keith has worked for one of the largest telecoms companies for over 20 years as a Datacoms and IP networking engineer in the commercial sector, and also numerous years as a technical support specialist dealing with all aspects of IP networking, including routers, switches, protocol converters/gateways etc.
As our Community continues to grow, our Stars will continue to play an important role in helping us make our community great and provide invaluable advice and support to queries.
For more information about our community stars scheme, visit our stars hub where you can find out what it's all about and apply to become a star.