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on 06-03-2024 11:09 AM
Hi. Can anyone help? How do I get to speak to an actual person to help me with my issues? I have wasted hours & hours on the chat service & they haven’t been resolved as I either get cut off or have to leave to go & collect my kids. I work full time, so don’t have a lot of spare windows. Every chat I have been on has lasted over an hour & got nowhere! I have lived in my house for 2.5 years & have been charged for calls twice a day that I haven’t made to the previous owner. They have done a line check & it’s all fine. I get passed from one person to the next but nothing gets sorted. My freeview box is not working either & I took out the standard Netflix package, but am now being charged double! I just want to speak to a real life person to get all these issues sorted & not waste more hours of my valuable time. I am despairing of the customer service 😩. Any advice greatly appreciated!
on 14-03-2024 11:53 AM
Can you see if its connected to the master socket?
The only other thing I can think of is to add the anytime calls boost (currently on offer at half price £8 per month) this will cancel out the daily charges.
on 13-03-2024 06:18 PM
@Clairejoneshandmade, Talktalk has billed you in good faith, so it sounds like it is worth checking through the documentation that came with your house purchase and anything that refers to the alarm.
Like all the accessories / fixtures and fittings that get tick boxed, one doesn't always realise what one has taken on. The alarm is now your responsibility (they can't just be left dormant for ever, as they sometimes start playing up when the battery dies. They need to be either maintained or dismantled).
on 13-03-2024 05:21 PM
I have never used the alarm…it was here when I moved in to the property. Does this mean I have to pay for an alarm engineer to come out???!?
on 13-03-2024 09:04 AM
The calls are all valid, your alarm system is doing a routine check somehow calling a mobile number, You may need to speak to your alarm installer to check the settings.
on 13-03-2024 08:05 AM
Yes there is an alarm system, but I have never used it. Yes each call I am being billed for is for 40/41 seconds twice a day. How do I stop being billed & how can I get a refund? I have wasted hours on the chat line & got nowhere. Please help!
on 06-03-2024 12:10 PM
Hi Clairejoneshandmade
In relation to the calls, Do you have an alarm system that may be calling out?
Each calls lasts exactly 40 seconds which indicates an alarm system testing the connection.
on 06-03-2024 11:36 AM
I have moved this to the billing section for you, @Clairejoneshandmade.
If you have problems with how the TV services from TT are actually working, post on that section as a separate topic.
All the billing things can be checked by staff here (daytime, Monday to Friday).
You can also reach support on 03451 720088 (Monday to Saturday, daytime).