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I am booked for a Fibre 150 upgrade from Fibre 65 this Friday.
After reading some of the posts here I am a bit concerned if its the right thing to do. Already Talktalk messed up twice with the contract upgrade and equipment sent to me.
I already have a mesh TT router. I have my security system connected via a powerline - ethernet connection.
I have been sent the Eero router, then after more requests the Grandstream device for my landline.
How many power sockets are required in total for the new setup? As I am a bit limited for spare sockets. Talk talk tech rep said the install guy will sort it all out - is this correct?
I notice none are USB powered.
As I work from home, what do I do if my Fibre does not work as contracted, and how does the internet back up work?
Unfortunately TT cannot send me a standard router with digital voice port.
My only other option was to sort it out myself or cancel my order.
I wonder how many other customers are getting caught out by this?
Tuesday - last edited Tuesday
Thank you guys for the information and photos. This makes a lot of sense. It seems like I have been mis-informed by Talk talk when talking out this contract upgrade and the technical team who I had messages with last week. Where I explained my needs (voice and 1 ethernet port required) and was told all this equipment would suffice.
I message Talk talk tomorrow and see what they say. Its been so much hassle (plus mistakes on my contract) I feel almost like cancelling the install, and after a few months going to another provider (noting Sky full fibre router is clearly better geared for users with just 1 router connected to the ONT.
I note the 5 Port Gigabit Switch device - would also need its own power supply, which means a total of 4 sockets required!! It really feels like TT has not managed the supplied hardware very well.
Tuesday - last edited Tuesday
Hi, @astrospud
Yes, after you connect the Eero to the ONT, which @DJI_MINI_2_SE showed above and will be installed by the engineer, there will be one spare ethernet port left on the Eero router. This will not be enough to connect everything else. You will need to buy a 1-Gbit 5-port switch, which would be plugged into the spare ethernet port left on the Eero router, and used to plug the powerline and the grandstream for voice calls.
Alternatively, you could decide not to use the Eero, grandstream and switch, and instead use your current TT router with the 'mesh' front. I think TalkTalk will accept you using that instead.
Since you need to make voice calls, check if your current TT router has a phone socket on the back, as shown in the picture above. This is because there are 2 versions of the TT router, with or without the phone socket.
If the TT router does not have a phone socket, you will have ask TalkTalk if they can replace the Eero etc with the TT router that has the phone socket.
Tuesday - last edited Tuesday
The ONT is the box your engineer will have installed on your inside wall watch the video below it takes you from the guy fitting the ONT to plugging your phone in if you use the A shape router you do not need the extra box (digital voice adapter) -
The ONT will look something like the one below the lights may be labelled differently -
If you decide to use the eero you will need the digital voice adapter mentioned above for calls and yes you will only have one spare Ethernet port but you can buy a switch to add more the video below shows how they work and how to set one up -
I assume you have the router below -
Sorry i meant the standard black TT router which stands in an A shape with a black "mesh" front design (not mesh as in connection).
I am reading some posts on the community page that this standard TT router can be connected to the fibre box - is this correct? If so, do i still need the grandstream for voice calls?
What is ONT?
Will I have one spare ethernet port left if I use the Eero router?
You will need a separate power socket for the ONT, the eero and the DVA. A bit of a pain, I know. You might need something like this, that's what I use.
Monday - last edited Monday
Hi @astrospud
The only mesh TT router is the Eero mesh router. I don't know if that's what you mean.
Regarding the number of power sockets, it can be from 3 to 5, depending which router you finally use.
On the other hand, you can use an extension lead with at least the required number of sockets.
If you use the Eero mesh router, you will probably also need to buy a 1-Gbit 5-port switch, as the Eero only has 2 ethernet ports.
This will allow you to connect the powerline.