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Broadband help

For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.

Bye bye before we've started...

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 1

I am in the slightly rubbish situation of having to 'upgrade' to which talktalk does supply, they're now in a minority here. Have just been moved from Shell. Everyone to the right of the big green cabinet I can see from the house gets fibre but us lot to the left have been waiting, and waiting... you get the idea.


If you try and use the talktalk 'upgrade' screen as the useless bot tells you, you get a blank page.


Started a chat and was told (wrongly I suspect) that I really wanted to be talking to the Shell Broadband Moving team (which sounds unlikely for a product they never sold, now I am fully moved over as well). Chat was shunted and I was roundly ignored for 20 minutes before it timed out.


With £40 of credit left (which I have checked) due to previous issues, (full payout was the max allowed by OFCOM!) I'm going to use it to leave early. Bye-a!


p.s any cheerleaders or anyone really that are about to re-contract might want to google 'Sir Charles Dunstone injects £65m to save TalkTalk from collapse'. They were DAYS from insolvency. They still are if Chazza 'K' wants his money back.