For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.
on 31-10-2024 12:00 PM
My Internet connection stopped working on Tuesday so I went through the chat line procedure to try to get it back, after 4 hours of being passed backwards and forwards five times between technical and order management with technical saying it was an order management problem and order management saying it wasn't I gave up before my brain exploded. Can anyone tell me how to actually talk to talktalk and find out what is happening, I have tried phoning but as soon as I tell the bot it is a connection problem it directs me to the tech help chat line and hangs up. I am 70 years old and use my Internet to keep in touch with my family as I only have a small amount of mobile data allowance on my phone. If someone could help me I would be very grateful, thank you.
on 18-11-2024 04:34 PM
Hi Chris, any progress on my problem? I still dont have my FTTC connection or my Telephone number restored.
on 11-11-2024 03:36 PM
Yes, completely understand 🙂
Chris, Community Team
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on 11-11-2024 03:32 PM
Sorry overlap of messages there, 3-5 days would be ok, just dont want to lose my number.
on 11-11-2024 03:06 PM
Just noticed that the number called does not show the correct number. So I called it back and my phone rings so I have lost my home phone number which I have had for 37 years!
on 11-11-2024 02:51 PM
Just discussing this with a colleague in our Provisioning team, It looks as though the service had to be reconnected with a different number, they are trying to get your old number reassigned to your line but this can take 3-5 working days
Chris, Community Team
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on 11-11-2024 02:49 PM
Yes I can but not receiving calls, and just checked my account dashboard and it shows disconnected as my phone status.
on 11-11-2024 02:35 PM
Can you dial out?
Chris, Community Team
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on 11-11-2024 02:34 PM
Sorry to be a pain Chris but just discovered my phone is not working either although there is a line tone.
on 11-11-2024 01:44 PM
No problem
Chris, Community Team
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on 11-11-2024 01:39 PM
Thanks Chris
on 11-11-2024 01:36 PM
Hi Pollygone,
I'm sorry about this, I'll check with our provisioning team and get back to you when I have an update
Chris, Community Team
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on 11-11-2024 12:41 PM
Hi Chris, not sure if you are online today but here is an update on my situation. Last Thursday 07-11-24 Openreach reconnected my broadband but to ADSL! as per his work order from TalkTalk as you are aware my package is Fibre 65 FTTC. As a result of this my line speed at the router is 10.1 mbps, I contacted Technical via live chat and they assured me it would be sorted within 3 days but here I am still with painfully slow line speed which is not what I am paying for. I need to be connected to FTTC as I was before this fiasco started, is there anything you can do to make this happen please. Paul
on 01-11-2024 02:38 PM
No problem, have a good weekend 🙂
Chris, Community Team
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on 01-11-2024 02:34 PM
Thank you Chris, much appreciated. Unfortunately I have to log off now as I have a part time job as a night watchman and I have to get some sleep before I go. Thanks for persevering with me and I hope I get reconnected sooner rather than later.
on 01-11-2024 02:14 PM
OK thanks for confirming. I'll ask our Provisioning team to do what they can to get the FTTC service reconnected ASAP
Chris, Community Team
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on 01-11-2024 02:05 PM
I am not in a position to have the upgrade and wish to stay on FTTC please respect my request and for it to take weeks to turn my service back on is ridiculous.
on 01-11-2024 01:01 PM
Hi pollygone,
Can you please reply to my PM as soon as you can so that I can sort this out for you. Our provisioning team have also said that they can bring the FTTP installation forward to the 5th to minimise the amount of time you are without service, unfortunately reinstating the old FTTC service could take weeks. Bearing this in mind could you please let me know if you still want the FTTC service reinstated (sorry to ask again but just want to make sure that you know all the facts before we go ahead)
Chris, Community Team
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on 01-11-2024 09:28 AM
OK thanks, I've sent you a PM to confirm some information
Chris, Community Team
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on 01-11-2024 07:49 AM
@Mark1975!-, not on another customer's thread!
You must return to the message board and click on start a topic to begin your own one.
You also need to complete your community forum profile details for Talktalk staff to identify your account.
Go via your avatar; settings; drop down menu. Fill in Personal Information. SAVE CHANGES.
It's really important NOT to muddle up different customer's issues on the same thread.
on 31-10-2024 05:01 PM
How can I confirm