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Broadband help

For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.

New customer connection problem

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Message 19 of 19

Hi All,
We are trying to set up our new Talk Talk service and can't understand why the router won't connect.
Previously we got our Internet Signal through a Fibre Optic cable (Virgin) - but, the package also included a landline phone.

Now - we have cancelled the Virgin service today but they say that it will continue to be provided for the 30 day notice period.

Could it be that the continuing Virgin supply through the landline cable is stopping the Talk Talk service coming through?

Part of the reason I think this is that the phone still answers to the 'old' Virgin phone number and not the new phone number we have been given by Talk Talk.


Message 1 of 19



The Openreach engineer will check all the cabling as part of their visit.





Message 2 of 19

I think it is best if you don't tamper with anything. By all means explain things as you see them to the engineer when they arrive, but otherwise leave it to them. 


Message 3 of 19

Just checking in ahead of the Engineer visit this coming Friday...........

I have taken the front cover off the Telephone Socket (by the front door) and there is no 'loose'/'spare' cable at the back.


I believe the cable I can see coming into the socket is the original BT cable - and - I think the place that Virgin have 'tapped in' is the 'old BT box' - which is at eaves level of the house (2 stories up).  This box would be accessible by ladder.


If my expectation is correct - Can you confirm that the TalkTalk Engineer would be able to 'swop over' the cables in the eaves level box - and - that this would not constitute something that we would need to pay for?


Message 4 of 19

Hi Clive


Thanks for confirming your details.


I have arranged the engineer visit for 14/10 AM (8am - 1pm)


Please let us know how you get on following this visit.





Message 5 of 19

Hi Clive,


Thanks for answering the security questions. I've sent you a PM requesting a little more information



Message 6 of 19



Openreach have a process in place that we have to follow when booking any engineer for any reason, so I'll start the ball rolling.  I'll drop you a PM (Personal Message) now with some security details to provide.




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Message 7 of 19

Yes - please send an engineer to give us an OpenReach socket.

We could do Friday 14th October or Wednesday 19th October


Message 8 of 19

Hi Clive,


just wanted to check just incase there was am old additional phone socket in the house that may have been connected.


With Virgin cable setup, even from 10 years ago, there will be a box outside the house linking to the phone socket.  Virgin use their own network, and the phone would also link to the same box to connect to their network. I've had this setup myself in the past, and don't tell anyone, but I worked for VM for 10 years back in the day, so I'm familiar with their network setup. 


Now, your services are fully live on our system, that means you should have a working service with us. If you do not have a second phone socket in the house, that means that either a new phone socket be installed and connected to the Openreach line, or they disconnect the existing phone socket from the Virgin connection, basically just disconnect the wires at the back of the socket, and connect the Openreach line to the socket.


Either way, it will require an engineer out to resolve this.


Would you like to arrange this now.




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Private Message
Message 9 of 19

Only one telephone landline coming into the house - and this is the 'Virgin Media number'

but - I am pretty sure that this is not a 'spur' coming off the Virgin Media fibre optic cable.
It was a long time ago (circa 10 years) - but - before we had Virgin Media - we just had the BT Landline and Socket which our phone was plugged into.  And - I cannot remember Virgin Media fiddling with this line at all.  As far as I am aware - it is just the same BT landline - but - somehow Virgin Media give us a landline service through it.
Which brings me back to my question - could the continuing Virgin Service be stopping us picking up the 'new' Talktalk service (we probably have 20 days or so of our 30-day Virgin Notice Period left to run.

Note: As requested we tried plugging in the BT Router to the Landline Socket this evening - and - it's the same story - the TalkTalk Router does not 'find' a signal.
Also - just so you are clear - when a phone is plugged directly into the landline/phone socket, the number that it responds to is our 'old' Virgin Media number - not the 'new' telephone number that TalkTalk has given us.


Message 10 of 19

Hi Clive,


Is there another phone socket in the house, besides the Virgin Media one ?




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Message 11 of 19


I am not surprised that there is 'no fault detected' - but - I will try tonight (powering down and reconnecting - as you suggest).  I do not think this will make any difference though.


The real/continuing question I have (and have had since the start of our dialogue) - is - could the fact that Virgin Media have not stopped their service yet (and bearing in mind that their service includes a landline) - be 'blocking' me picking up the TalkTalk service through the Telephone port?


Message 12 of 19



I've run a test on the line now which hasn't detected a fault. Is the router currently connected and switched on at the moment? Could you try powering down the router for a full 30 minutes and then try connecting again please.





Message 13 of 19

TalkTalk Number added


Message 14 of 19



Can you please update your community profile to include your:


  • TalkTalk Telephone number

We'll then look into this further. Please do not post this information on this thread. Once you've updated your profile please post in your topic to confirm it's updated.





Popular Poster
Private Message
Message 15 of 19

I have updated our Community Profile information with the personal details as requested



Message 16 of 19

Hi Clive,


Can you please update your community profile to include your:


  • Name
  • Telephone number
  • Alternative contact number

We'll then look into this further. Please do not post this information on this thread. Once you've updated your profile please post in your topic to confirm it's updated.





Popular Poster
Private Message
Message 17 of 19

Hi Karl,

Thanks for your response.

Yes, TalkTalk have confirmed the service is live (and, we received an email from them saying that they did not need to send an engineer to set our new service up - we just got sent the new Router in the post).

We have had Virgin Internet (through a Fibre Optic cable) for quite some time - but - I do not remember them ever fiddling with the incoming phone line - which was a ordinary incoming BT line before we started with Virgin.
Yes - we knew we had our phone landline provided through the Virgin subscription - but the phone has always stayed plugged into the 'old' BT box - and, to my knowledge that has always remained connected to the same overhead lines in the street.

Note: I don't know if this helps for you to know this - or if I have already said it - but - Virgin said that there service doesn't stop until the 30 day notice period is up.



Support Team
Private Message
Message 18 of 19

Hi Clive


Virgin cable services are provided differently than other ISP services.  Your existing phone socket will connect to the virgin box outside your home and then through to their network.  With TalkTalk services, any phone socket would have to be fed from the Openreach network, so either from the telegraph pole, if the lines in your area are overhead, or underground from the cabinet if there are no overhead lines nearby.


You would wither need a new phone socket installing from Openreach if you do not have another phone socket, or they would disconnect the current phone socket and connect to this.  In a nutshell, what I'm saying is that you cant have both virgin and TalkTalk services through the one phone socket, it needs to be connected to virgin or TalkTalk, but can't be both.


Have you had an install date from TalkTalk or had confirmation that your services are live ?




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