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Broadband help

For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 3

This is a follow up rant from ‘leaving1’ replying to a reply from Michelle, does she exist?, apologising and informing me to call a number if it went off again.


Having spent over two hours on a chat line who then incidentally pulled my plug (obviously bored)

I then talked to a guy who said he was doing tests and to call immediately if it dropped out again.

guess what. Last evening while watching grand tour on prime at 22.10 it tripped out again for up to 5 mins. 

so called this morning for over an hour I’ve  sat while they ‘test my line’ no problems on now waiting for a call back from a different tech who will undoubtably tell me there isn’t a problem. 

this must just be my imagination. I was with Shell. No problems, not great but I live in a conservation area so can only get wire broadband. Around £20 so don’t expect to be able to talk to the space station but enough for Netflix etc.


since TalkTalk took over by contract it drops out on a daily basis. Can’t get a signal upstairs.


i asked the three tech people I have dealt with the same questions.


1. do I need a new router as mine was shell and doesn’t seem compatible with talktalk?

2. do I need a booster to get internet upstairs? It worked fine before.

3. do I need to find myself a new provider?


so far nobody has answered these questions. I doubt they will. They just keep fobbing off customers with their ‘it’s working fine’  and I expect I’ll get another apology from someone suggesting I call this number and talk to the tech department. 

if not resolved by tomorrow I will go ahead and cancel and start again with another company who don’t really care and don’t know how it all works. It seems they just buy some bandwidth and a server and set up as a provider. 


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 3

Is this a reply to Michelle?  Can’t really get my head around this blog stuff


Not applicable
Private Message
Message 2 of 3



I'm sorry to hear that you've had a poor experience. Please can you update your Community Profile to include your name and account number and I'll see if I can escalate this for you. Please do not post any personal information on the Community.



