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Emails not arriving from

Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Private Message TalkTalk

Message 11 of 11

I am a volunteer treasurer of a Church of England parish church.

I have a email address and over the last few days I have been told that people from the Diocese are getting emails bounced back.

I am receiving many other emails each day and as far as I know it is only emails from people with addresses who cannot email me. It is not just one person but at least three have rung me to find out what is going wrong with my email... It is however not consistent as some have tried to resend and it has got through.

However today I have been told that no matter how many times they tried it is not sending


They get the following message

Diagnostic information for administrators:

Generating server: LO0P123MB6537.GBRP123.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM

obscured for customer security
Remote Server returned '552 5.2.0 TsJgpaTyPOS0WTsJgpxt7N Content rejected (TT992)'


Have the admins decided that the Manchester Diocese is dodgy/spam?

I have spoken to other non talktalk users and they are receiving the emails OK.

Can anyone please help.

Thanks in anticipation


Message 1 of 11

Hi cavedweller, is this still happening?



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Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 11


Noooo. I am having people unable to email me again from


I have  put the full email address and date and approx time in my private notes again as recommended by @Gondola 

Please can you find out why TalkTalk are bouncing email from the Diocese of Manchester. 

ASAP please whilst you still are able to look back over 7 days


Message 3 of 11

Ady said there were no bounced emails...i.e. any sent were delivered over the last 7 days. So, that's good.


Suggests something triggered spam blocking that was relaxed after two weeks or thereabouts.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 11


Hi Ady 


Thanks for checking but the problem was consistently happening from about the 18th Feb and seemed to clear up on 1st March. I lost at least a dozen emails. It does seem to be OK now.

Am very surprised you cannot find any .. although if you only checked yesterday then 7 days scan would have been after the problem was fixed. 

Am happy to close this  conversation now



Message 5 of 11

A search of the last 7 days for that sender shows no bounced mails from that sender to any of our mailboxes. 



Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.

Message 6 of 11

Only Ady can check the inbound mail servers to see what's actually happening. I don't know why he's not responded here so I've put another reminder into his workflow.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 7 of 11

@Gondola @ady

Hello can someone give me an update please.

My incoming emails ffrom  are still being bounced.

I put the details in private notes as suggested.

I have also heard that there is another church volunteer who is having the same problem but is a "homecall" address not pipex.

I have had to create a gmail address to receive emails. When I then forward the email from gmail to my pipex address it gets through 

so I don't think it can be anything to do with the content within the email. 

The Manchester Diocese has referred the problem to their email provider who has said it looks like a TalkTalk issue.




Message 8 of 11

Ady would look in Private notes to pick up the private details of the mail sending to then run a check on what's landed at the inbound servers, what's been delivered to your mailbox and what's bounced with the 992 rejection.


I'll give Ady your email address but worth putting that in your Private notes also.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 11

@Gondola Thanks for the response. Prompt as usual.

Had some difficulty finding private notes but have now done that Email that bounced was yesterday so within 7 days. 

Don't know the sending ip address but hopefully the talktalk email team can find the email around the time I was given

How do the email team to know to look in my private notes? Do I have to alert them or ask @ady ?




Private Message TalkTalk
Message 10 of 11

Hi cavedweller 


Just to say I've obscured your email address because the underlying 'mailto' was still present on the link.


I've looked at the sending domain and the only obvious thing is no DMARC policy. If the sending IP address is compliant with the SPF file then that should be ok. However, the TT992 is a permanent rejection of the mail because the content appears to be unacceptable. Either it's been fingerprinted as Spam because TalkTalk Mail users have marked it as spam or there is something that the CloudMark scanning feels may be risky about one or more mail messages from that domain. 


If you have a date for the last send and that's within the last week then TalkTalk Support can run a check for you. Just put the details of the sending address, the sender's IP address if known, and the date of the last bounced send into your Community profile Private notes.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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